Mr. Williams was a gardener and a very good one too. Last year he came to work for Mrs. Elphinstone, who was old, fat and rich.
She knew nothing about gardens, but thought that she knew a lot, and was always interfering One day Mr. Williams got angry with Mrs. Elphinstone and called her an elephant. She did not like that at all SO she went to a lawyer and a few months later Mr. Williams was in court, accused of calling Mrs. Elphinstone an elephant. The magistrate found Mr. Williams guilty so Mr. Williams said to him, ‘Does that mean that I am not allowed to call this lady an elephant anymore?’
‘That is quite correct,’ the magistrate answered.
And am I allowed to call an elephant a lady?’ the gardener asked “Yes, certainly,’ the magistrate answered.
Mr. Williams looked at Mrs. Elphinstone and said, ‘Goodbye, lady.’
آقای ویلیامز یک باغبان خیلی خوب بود. او پارسال برای کار پیش خانم الفینستون، که خانمی پیر، چاق و ثروتمند بود، آمد. او درباره باغبانی چیزی نمیدانست اما فکر کرد که چیزهایی در این مورد یاد بگیرد و بنابراین همیشه مزاحم آقای ویلیامز بود.یک روز آقای ویلیامز از دست خانم الفینستون عصبانی شد و به او گفت فیل. او اصلا شبیه فیل نبود بنابراین نزد وکیلی رفت و چند ماه بعد آقای ویلیامز به اتهام گفتن “فیل” به خانم الفینستون در دادگاه احضار شد. رئیس دادگاه آقای ویلیامز را گناهکار دانست. سپس آقای ویلیامز گفت یعنی من اجازه ندارم به این خانم فیل بگویم؟
رئیس دادگاه جواب داد، کاملا درست است. باغبان پرسید: اجازه دارم به یک فیل، “خانم” بگویم؟
رئیس دادگاه جوتب داد بله، حتما.
آقای ویلیامز به خانم الفینستون نگاه کرد و گفت: خداحافظ خانم.
Mark Miles and his son Andy are having a bad morning.
‘Where’s Gary?’ says Mark. “He isn’t usually late. The truck is ready. Everybody’s waiting.”
Then Gary Slater comes to the office. He is ill. “I’ve got a bad arm, Mr. Miles,” says Gary. “I’m very sorry, but I can’t drive today.”
Just then, Kim Parker arrives. She is a student. Her father is one of Mark’s drivers. She is working in Mark’s office in her holiday.
“Good morning, Mr. Miles,” says Kim. “What can I do first?”
“Can you drive a truck?” says Mark with a little laugh. “I’ve got tables in Faversham and wine in Lyon – and no driver!”
“Yes, I can drive a truck,” says Kim. “I’ve got a licence.”
“Wonderful!” says Mark. He is looking happier. “Have you got a passport?”
“Of course, it’s at home.” Suddenly Mark is much happier.
“OK. Can you take a truck to France? Here is some French money and these are all the papers – read them carefully.”
“Can I go too, Dad?” asks Andy. “I can’t drive a truck, but I can drive a car and read a map – and I can speak French. Perhaps I can help Kim.”
“And you want to go to France. I know! OK, you two. Run home and get your passports, your overnight bags and some sandwiches. There are sleeping bags in the truck, and a mobile phone too. When you come back, go and look at the map with Gary. He drives to France every week. He can tell you about it.”
Drive into Danger
🔹Frances Hay was seventy years old. She liked hats very much, and she always bought a new one every spring.
Last April she said to herself, 'I'm going to go to town today, and I'm going to buy myself a nice, new hat.' She went into town by bus and went into a hat shop. Then she said to one of the young sales ladies, 'I want a nice hat, please.'
The sales lady brought her a lot of hats, and Mrs. Hay put them all on one after another. Then after half an hour, she said, 'Yes, this one is good. Please send it to my address.' She gave the sales lady a card.
'Yes, madam,' the sales lady answered, 'but this is your hat. You came into the shop with it.'
Helen lived with her sister Mary. Both of them were about seventy five years old, and neither of them had ever married. They had a small, old car, and when they wanted to go somewhere, which they did very rarely, Mary always drove, because her eyes were better.
هله با خواهرش مری زندگی می کرد. هر دوی آنها حدود هفتاد و پنج سال سن داشتند و هیچ یک از آنها تا به حال ازدواج نکرده بودند. آنها یک ماشین کوچک و قدیمی داشتند و وقتی می خواستند جایی بروند، که خیلی به ندرت انجام می دادند، مریم همیشه رانندگی می کرد، زیرا چشمانش بهترمیدید
One weekend they drove to a large town to look at some things which they had read about in the newspaper. Neither of them had been to that town before.
یک روز آخر هفته آنها به شهر بزرگی رفتند تا به چیزهایی که در روزنامه در مورد آن شهر خوانده بودند نگاه بیندازند. هیچ یک از آنها قبلاً به آن شهر نرفته بودند.
They were driving along in a lot of traffic when they turned right into a street which cars were not allowed to go into. There was a policeman there, and he blew his whistle, but Mary did not stop, so he got on to his motor-cycle and followed them.
آنها در ترافیک زیادی رانندگی می کردند که به سمت راست به خیابانی که ماشین ها اجازه رفتن به داخل آن را نداشتند پیچیدند . یک پلیس آنجا بود، و او سوت خود را به صدا درآورد، اما مری متوقف نشد، بنابراین پلیس سوار موتور سیکلت خود شد و آنها را تعقیب کرد.
After he had ordered them to stop, he said, 'Didn't you hear me blow my whistle?
بعد از اینکه دستور توقف به آنها داد، گفت: «نشنیدی که سوتم را زدم؟
“Yes, we did,' admitted Mary politely, 'but Mummy told us never to stop when men whistle at us.'
مری مؤدبانه اعتراف کرد: «بله، ما این کار را کردیم، اما مامان به ما گفت که وقتی مردان برایمان سوت میزنند، هرگز متوقف نشویم.»
Mr and Mrs Davis had four children. One Saturday Mrs Davis said to her husband, 'The children haven't got any lessons today, and you're free too. There's a fun-fair in the park. Let's all go.'
آقا و خانم دیویس چهار فرزند داشتند. یک روز شنبه خانم دیویس به شوهرش گفت: "بچه ها امروز هیچ درسی ندارند و تو هم آزاد هستی." یک شهر بازی توی پارک است. بیایید همه بریم.
So Mr and Mrs Davis took the children to the fun-fair. Mr Davis was forty-five years old, but he enjoyed the fun-fair more than the children. He hurried from one thing to another, and ate lots of sweets and nuts.
بنابراین آقا و خانم دیویس بچه ها را به شهر بازی بردند. آقای دیویس چهل و پنج ساله بود، اما بیشتر از بچه ها از این شهر بازی لذت می برد. با عجله از بازی به یکی دیگه می رفت و شیرینی و آجیل زیادی می خورد.
One of the children said to her mother, 'Daddy's behaving just like a small child, isn't he, Mummy?'
یکی از بچه ها به مادرش گفت: "بابا مثل یک بچه کوچک رفتار می کند، اینطور نیست مامان؟"
she answered, 'He's worse than a small child, Mary, because he's got his own money!'
او پاسخ داد: ماری "او از یک بچه کوچک بدتر است، چون پولش از خودشه!"
Mr. Joes bought some things from a big shop last month, and when he got the bill a few days ago, he thought that there was a mistake in it, so he telephoned the shop and asked to speak to the Accounts Department. 'Who do you want to speak to in the Accounts Department?' the telephone operator asked.
'It doesn't matter to me,' Mr. Jones answered. He did not know the names of any of the people who worked there. He heard nothing for a few seconds and then the operator said, 'Hullo, you wanted to speak to someone in the Accounts Department, didn't you?'
'Yes, that's right,' Mr. Jones answered. 'Would you like to speak to Mr. Hankinson?' the operator said.
'Yes, that'll be all right,' Mr. Jones said patiently. It doesn't matter who I speak to.
I'm sorry,' the operator answered, but Mr. Hankinson isn't in today!
📒#the_story of my conversion from Christianity to Islam.
My parents, grandparents, and all my aunts and uncles were deeply rooted in Christianity. They were ministers, youth ministers, pastors, and evangelists, so that was the environment I grew up in. Later on, I became an ordained minister after my grandfather, and I was the only grandchild of my grandfather who actually started off preaching and ministry in the church he helped establish and ministered in.
Later on, you know how this area indoctrinates you; you're commanded to teach it, and you're always forced to accept things by bait and not build upon facts. I can go further into detail on that aspect if needed."
پدر و مادرم، پدربزرگ و مادربزرگم، و تمام خاله ها و عموهایم عمیق ا در مسیحیت ریشه داشتند. آ نها کشیش، رهبران جوانان، شبان و مبلغ بودند، بنابراین من در چنین محیطی بزرگ شدم. بعدها، من هم پس از پدربزرگم به عنوان کشیش منصوب شدم و تنها نوه ی پدربزرگم بودم که واقعا موعظه و فعالیتهای مذهبی را در کلیسایی که او به تأسیس آن کمک کرده و در آن خدمت میکرد، شرو ع کردم .
بعدتر، میدانید چطو ر در این منطقه به شما آموزش داده میشود که چه چیزی را باور کنید ؛ شما موظفید آن را آموزش دهید، و همیشه مجبور هستید چیزها را بدون استناد به واقعیتها بپذیرید. اگر نیاز باشد، میتوانم در مورد این جنبه بیشتر توضیح بدهم .
📒#the_story of my conversion from Christianity to Islam.
When the reality was that I was like a baby, curled up in the corner, crying because at one time, I was teaching many people that God became flesh—a lie! I was forced to speak these lies and to uphold a doctrine that was actually leading people away from Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) and away from the true worship of the one, true God. That is why I chose Islam.
واقعیت این بود که مثل یک نوزاد در گوشهای جمع شده بودم و گریه میکردم، چون زمانی به بسیاری از مردم آموزش میدادم که خدا به جسم تبدیل شده است—و این یک دروغ بود! من مجبور بودم این درو غها را بگویم و از دکتری نهایی حمایت کنم که در واقع مردم را از الله )سبحانه و تعالی( و از عبادت واقعی خدای یکتا دور میکرد. به همین دلیل بود که اسلام را انتخاب کردم.
He gave me the study of mutawatir (authentic) Hadith, and he gave me the Hadith of Thaqalayn, which is the most cited Hadith. And I made my decision, Alhamdulillah. At that point, it was like Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi assalam) had said that Ali (AS) is going to be
your guide because the Quran will not separate from the Ahlul Bayt until they return and meet again at the pool of Kawthar in the Akhirah (the Day of Resurrection). That hit me so hard, and I tell my Sunni brothers and sisters: I can’t hold this truth back. I said, "Joe’s not going to sit here and deceive me again and keep lying to me while you’re not even following the Sunnah." The Ahlul Bayt, since the passing of our Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi wasallam), have been hated. They have tried to corrupt the very Sunnah, which they have succeeded in doing. I even asked them: What about Abu Bakr? When he was supposed to go to war, why did he sit there and pray when he was commanded to go with someone else to the battle? He was more concerned about being called the Khalifah and being chosen by the Sahabah than being chosen by Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) or Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi wasallam).
او به من مطالعه ی حدیث متواتر را داد و حدیث ثقلین را که معتبرترین حدیث است، به من داد. و من تصممیم خود را گرفتم، الحمدلله. در آن نقطه بود که به یاد آوردم پیامبر اسلام )صل الله علیه و آله وسلم( گفته بودند که علی )علیه السلام( هدایتگر شما خواهد بود زیرا قرآن از اهل بیت جدا نخواهد شمد تا زمانی که آنها بازگردند و در روز قیامت در حوض کوثر با یکدیگر ملاقات کنند. این حرف : خیلی به من ضربه زد و من به برادران و خواهران سنیم گفتم: نمیتوانم این حقیقت را مخفی کنم. گفتم «جو (یعنی کسمی که حقیقت را پنهان میکند) نمیتوانمد اینجا بنشیند و دوباره مرا فریب دهد و همچنان دروغ بگوید، در حمالی کمه شما حتی از سنت پیروی نمی کنید » اهل بیت از زمان وفات پیامبر اسلام )صل الله علیه و آله وسلم( مورد نفرت قرار گرفته اند. آنها سعی کرده اند سنت پیامبر را که خود آن را به فساد کشانده اند، خراب کنند. من حتی از آنها سوال کردم: چرا ابو بکر، زمانی که باید به جنگ میرفت، نشست « و نماز خواند؟ وقتی که به او دستور داده شده بود تا با کسی دیگر به جنگ برود؟»
او بیشتر نگران این بود که خلیفه شود و از سوی صحابه انتخاب شود تا اینکه از طرف الله )سبحانه و تعالی( یا پیامبر اسلام )صل الله علیه و آله وسلم( انتخاب شود
Read the short story carefully
Pat came over from Ireland to English with his wife one year to find work. He got quite a good job with a building company, and as he didn’t drink or smoke, he saved up quite a lot of money.
پت یک سال با همسرش از ایرلند به انگلستان آمد تا کار پیدا کند. او شغل بسیار خوبی در یک شرکت ساختمانی پیدا کرد و چون مشروب نمینوشید یا سیگار نمیکشید، پول زیادی پس انداز کرد.
His wife s parents were still in Ireland, and one day she got a telegram to say that her mother was ill, so Pat gave her some money and she went to Ireland to see her.
پدر و مادر همسرش هنوز در ایرلند بودند و یک روز او تلگرافی دریافت کرد که میگفت مادرش بیمار است، بنابراین پت مقداری پول به او داد و او برای دیدن او به ایرلند رفت.
After a week, Pat wanted to write a letter to her, but he couldn’t read or write very well, so he went to his priest and asked him to do it for him.
پس از یک هفته، پت میخواست برای او نامه بنویسد، اما نمیتوانست خوب بخواند یا بنویسد، بنابراین نزد کشیش رفت و از او خواست که این کار را برای او انجام دهد.
Pat told the priest what he wanted to say, and the priest wrote it down. After a few minutes Pat stopped, and the priest said, Do you want to say any more?
پت آنچه را که می خواست بگوید به کشیش گفت و کشیش آن را یادداشت کرد. بعد از چند دقیقه پت ایستاد و کشیش گفت: "میخواهی بگوییم میخواهی بیشتر بگویم؟"
Only, Please excuse me the bad writing and spelling, Pat said.
پت گفت: "فقط، "لطفاً نوشتن و املای بد را عذرخواهی کنید".
Mark went to a barber's shop and had his hair cut but when he came out, he was not happy with the result and when his friend George saw him, he laughed and said, 'What's happened to your hair, Mark?'
مارک به آرایشگاه رفت و موهایش را کوتاه کرد، اما وقتی بیرون آمد، از نتیجه راضی نبود و وقتی دوستش جورج او را دید، خندید و گفت: "مارک موهات چی شده ؟"
Mark said, 'I tried a new barber's shop today,
مارک گفت: امروزپیش یک آرایشگاه جدید رفتم
Now I'll tell you what to do next time you go into a barber's shop: look at all the barbers' hair, and then go to the one whose own hair has been cut the worst.'
حالا بهت می گویم که دفعه دیگه که به آرایشگاه می روی چی باید بکنی: به موهای آرایشگران نگاه کنید و بعد به سراغ کسی برو که موهای خودش بدترین شکل کوتاه شده است.
'The one whose hair's been cut the worst?' Mark repeated. 'But that would be foolish!'
"کسی که موهایش بدترین کوتاهی کرده است؟" مارک تکرار کرد اما این احمقانه خواهد بود!
'Oh, no, it wouldn't,' answered George. 'Who do you think cut that man's hair? He couldn't cut it himself, could he? Another of the barbers cut it----and he must have been a worse barber than the one whose hair he cut.
جورج پاسخ داد: «اوه، نه، اینطور نیست. به نظر تو چه کسی موهای آن مرد را کوتاه کرده است؟ خودش نمی توانست آن را کوتاه کنه، می تواند؟ یکی دیگر از آرایشگرها آن را کوتاه کرده---- و حتماً آرایشگری بدتر ازاون ارایشگر بوده که موهایش را کوتاه کرده است.