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🕊 A safe place to practice English 🌸 Using the posts and contents of this channel elsewhere is free. 💞 May this bring a little smile to the lovely face of Imam Mahdi (a)
مشاهده در ایتا
🔹Adverse /ˈædvɜːrs/ ناسازگار، مخالف 🔹Averse /əˈvɜːrs/ متنفر، مخالف، بیزار @idioma
🤗People person 🔹معنا: خوش مشرب someone who is friendly and enjoys meeting and talking to people 🔹مثال: • Sarah was a people person . She was warm , outgoing, and an excellent listener. • Dave tries hard ,but he's just not a people person. @idioma
اصطلاحات و واژگان مربوط به خرید @idioma
😋Umami /uːˈmɑːmi/  🔹معنا:طعم خوشایند a strong taste that is not sweet, sour, salty, or bitter and that is often referred to as "the fifth taste". @idioma
🚿Bathroom vocabulary @idioma
fired 🔸معنا: اخراج کردن asked to leave your job 🔸مثال: •She wasn't very good at his job. The boss fired him. @idioma
The reason why English can be so confusing! 😫 @idioma
Strenuous 🔹معنا:فعال،پرتکاپو •requiring great effort 🔹مثال: •Strenuous exercise is healthy, but be careful not to push yourself too hard. @idioma
Frank 🔸معنا: صمیمی، بی پرده، رک honest in a very direct way 🔸مثال: •I had a frank discussion with my boss. I told him I'm unhappy with his leadership. @idioma
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
🗣 How to pronounce "minutiae" | real life examples 🤨 So confusing! It has three pronunciations (or even more!) Choice is yours, but I go for the middle. چندین تلفظ داره که این ساده تره: /məˈnuːʃə مِنوُشا/ @idioma