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مشاهده در ایتا
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 The Worthiest Smile ✳️ When Muslim ibn Aqil was completely surrounded, and people of Kufah were throwing all they had toward him, he smiled and addressed himself: 🔸 It’s time you sacrificed your life.[1] 📜 1. Maqtal al-Husayn, al-Khwarizmi, vol. 1, p. 300 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 Al-Kashif Al-Karb an Wajh Rasul Allah (S) ✳️ Ahl al-Bayt (prophet Muhammad’s family) told us to say this phrase, in the Ziyarat Amir al-Muminin: 🔸 “al-Kashif al-Karb an Wajheh,” meaning the one whose sight terminated prophet Muhammad’s (S) sorrows.[1] 📜 1. Al-Mazar Al-Kabir, Al-Mashhadi, p. 215. 📌 From Mahe Man TV show-episode five-April 18th 2021. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 The Ruler’s Meal! ✳️ Suwaid bin Ghafala narrates: “I saw Amir al-Muminin Ali (A) in the headquarters; he was eating. His yogurt was so sour that it hurt my nose; his bread was made with mixed barley flour and it was so dry that he had to slice it using his knee. 🔸 I addressed the servant: ‘Do you not fear the God?’ He replied: ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib made us promise not to sieve his flour, or we cannot work here.’”[1] 📜 1. Al-Gharat, vol. 1, p. 86. 📌 From Mahe Man TV show-episode six-April 19th 2021. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 Oh God, Do Not Take Ali From Me! ✳️ In the battle of Khandaq, Kuffar (nonbelievers) were almost certain that Amr ibn Abd al-Wud will kill Ali ibn Abi Talib (A). Muslims were sure of the failure because Amr was very powerful. Also, many untrue Muslims were not happy with Amir al-Muminin Ali ibn Abi Talib’s success. 🔸 As Amir al-Muminin Ali (A) started toward the battlefield, Prophet Muhammad (S) prayed: “Oh God, you took Ubaidah in Badr, and Hamza in Uhud; this is Ali ibn Abi Talib, please do not leave me by myself."[1] 📜 1. Al-Manaqib, ibn Shahr Ahub, 2/221. 📌 From Mahe Man TV show-episode six-April 19th 2021. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 All That I Have ✳️ Among the many superb sentences that Imam Ali al-Naqi (A) wrote in the Ziyarat Ghadiriyah, some are perfect for reciting at the burial, as the Talqin. One is when Imam Ali al-Naqi (A) addresses Amir al-Muminin Ali ibn Abi Talib (A): 🔸 “My master, you are all that I have; you are the only thing I have in the day of judgment.” 📌 From Mahe Man TV show 2020. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 The Rescue Portal of Imams ✳️ Imam Husayn (A) guides everyone; he is the rescue portal. 🔸 If one thinks there is a difference between our tent here in this gathering and the one that Zuhayr entered, they are very wrong. We are not mourning a dead Imam Husayn. Imam Husayn (A) is the live paragon of Ghadir. He is both alive and capable of action. 📌 From ‘Reviving Religion in the Era of Separation’-first session- September 21st 2017. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 If Only We Believe ✳️ Abu Sha’tha al-Kinidi was among the enemy troops. In a moment, he understood his mistake and joined Sayyid al-Shuhada (A). Imam Husayn (A) prayed: “God, direct his arrows to the target!”[1] His hand became the hand of God, his aims became exact. 🔸 Imam Husayn restored many. This tent (now) is no different from the one he walked in (then); we only need to believe! 📜 1. The History of Tabari, vol. 5, p. 445. 📌 From ‘Reviving Religion in the Era of Separation’-first session- September 21st 2017. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 The Kindness That Equals the King and the Servant ✳️ A servant took a flower from Sayyid al-Shuhada’s garden and gave it to him as a gift and symbol of gratitude for the opportunity of having an affection for Imam. Husayn ibn Ali responded: “For God’s sake, you are now free, and the whole garden belongs to you.”[1] 🔸 Dear Imam Husayn, we are not after gardens or even paradise; we only wish to be by your side. 📜 1. Nathr al-Durr, vol. p. 335 📌 From ‘Reviving Religion in the Era of Separation’-first session- September 21st 2017. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 A Devotee of Sayyid al-Shuhada ✳️ Rasul Allah (S) told Amir al-Muminin Ali ibn Abi Talib (A):” I like Aqil for two reasons: I am fond of him myself, and his father, Abu Talib, loves him.” 🔸 Then he said: “Aqil’s son will be killed for your son and God will bless the believers with tears for him.”[1] 📜 1. Al-Amali, Shaykh al-Saduq, p. 191. 📌 From ‘Wilayah, Aversion, Taqiya, and Anticipation’-first session- Muharram 2019. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 Traveling With Children ✳️ During the Arba’een, you walk from Najaf to Karbala. Along the way, some people provide for you, yet when you reach the destination, you are fatigued. Our Imam, Sayyid al-Shuada, started his journey from the 8th of Dhu al-Hajjah, with all the family and children. There were little boys and girls. 🔸 While traveling, children start asking ‘when will we arrive?’ almost immediately. They get tired . . . 📌 From ‘Wilayah, Aversion, Taqiya, and Anticipation’-first session- Muharram 2019. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 Who Orphaned Me? ✳️ Sayyid al-Shuhada’s youngest daughter was anxious; they brought the father’s head in that horrible condition and placed it before her. The head was so much damaged that it is reported when she took the covering 🔸 She moved backward, either because the face was not recognized or she was terrified. As if feeling her father, the little girl came forward, caressed his face, and asked: Who orphaned me? 📌 From ‘Wilayah, Aversion, Taqiya, and Anticipation’-first session- Muharram 2019. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢The Loyal Master ✳️In Karbala and during the battle, those who fell called for Imam Husayn with honor and keenly. But Hurr ibn Yazid thought: ‘I am so unworthy that their accepting me was more than I deserved.’ 🔸When he fell, he did not call. His eyes were closed; suddenly, he felt a hand under his head; Sayyid al-Shuhada was embracing him. 📌From ‘Wilayah, Aversion, Taqiya, and Anticipation’- Muharram 2019. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 The Little Hand ✳️ During the last moments, when everyone was attacking Sayyid al-Shuhada, Hadrat Zaynab put her hand on her head, out of distress. The hand was holding Abd Allah ibn al-Hasan; he ran toward the Qatligah. 🔸 Swords were attacking, and the boy had no defense. He just raised his hand . . . [1] 📜 Tabari History, vol. 5 p. 450 📌 From ‘Wilayah, Aversion, Taqiya, and Anticipation’-first session- Muharram 2019. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 I Am ibn al-Hasan ✳️ Qasim already knew what was about to happen. On Ashura, while he could not stop his tears in the sorrow of his uncle’s alone and desperate situation, he entered the battlefield. Qasim thought: ‘I wish the lion of Jamal, my father, was here; I have to call his name.’ He stood in front of the enemy line and cried: 🔸 IF YOU DO NOT KNOW ME, AM THE SON OF HASAN . . . 📌 From ‘Wilayah, Aversion, Taqiya, and Anticipation’- Muharram 2019. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 They Wronged Him! ✳️ In a couple of situations, Sayyid al-Shuhada was compelled to stop his talk because something happened. 🔸 One of them was about Ali Asqar. Imam was speaking, suddenly he felt the baby is moving, blood stained his face, he touched the baby’s throat, and splashed the blood towards the sky . . . 📌 From ‘Wilayah, Aversion, Taqiya, and Anticipation’- Muharram 2019. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 The One-Man Army ✳️ The late Gharavi Esfahani wrote a poem for Hadrat Abbas (A), rich with meaning and depth in every line. In a line the poem reads: When the last man standing was Qamar Bani Hashim, 🔸 'it was only one person, but he was a whole army . . .' He was all the vitality Sayyid al-Shuhada had. 📌 From ‘Wilayah, Aversion, Taqiya, and Anticipation’- Muharram 2019. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 Generosity of Imam Sajjad ✳️ We are ungrateful if we do not resort to Imam Sajjad (A) to solve our problems. He is the one who said ‘In all Medina and Mecca, less than 20 people like me.’ But he was also the one who brought food for the very people that abhorred him. 🔸 Some of the Medina locals did not know who was the man that provided them with food until Ali ibn al-Husayn Zayn al-Abidin passed away and that night there was no food behind their doors.[1] 1. Kitab al-Zuhd, Ahmad bin Habnal. p.137. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢One Last Glance ✳️ As Ali Akbar ran toward the battlefield, Imam Husayn (A) looked at him with great sorrow. Then, as if not able to keep looking, he lowered his head, and the tears flew. 🔸 Dear Husayn! You could not even stand his leaving the camp, how are you going to be present when he breathes his last? 📌 From ‘Wilayah, Aversion, Taqiya, and Anticipation’- Muharram 2019. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 The First Caterer of Imam Husayn’s Gatherings ✳️ The very first caterer for the gatherings and ceremonies of Imam Husayn (A) after the events of Karbala was Ali ibn al-Husayn Zayn al-Abedin (A). 🔸 He prepared food single-handedly for the women of Banu Hashim while they were mourning Sayyid al-Shuhada. [1] 📜 1. Al-Mahasin. Al-Barghi. vol.2 p.420. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 An All-Inclusive Offer ✳️ Imam Ridha (A) states: “If you want to be given the reward for accompanying Sayyid al-Shuhada, every time you remember him say this with all your heart: ‘I wish I could be with you.’”[1] 🔸 Imam did not mention ‘only the very virtuous’ or ‘only who pray Nafila’ . . . Whoever, whenever . . . 📜 1. Uyuon Akhbar Al-Ridha, Shaykh Saduq, vol.1, p.300. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 Defenders of Fatimah al-Zahra (S) ✳️ I have studied the martyrs of Karbala. None of them were present during the storming of Hadhrat Zahra’s house; they ever either not in Medina or were not borne. 🔸 But Imam Sadiq (A) addresses them peculiarly in the Ziyarat Ashab Sayyid al-Shuhada: “Salute to you who aided and supported Fatima, the leading light of the women in the two worlds.”[1] These men were not present there, yet they are counted as defenders of Fatima Zahra. 📜 1. Misbah al-Mutahajjid, Shaykh al-Tusi, p.723. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 Zaynab Kobra’s Oration in Front of Yazid ✳️ When Ahl al-Bayt entered the gathering of the damned Yazid, their clothing was shabby, and they were not allowed to sit. Zaynab Kobra (S) spoke here: 🔸 “Oh, son of the liberated [in the Mecca]! Is it fair to cover your wives and mistresses behinds curtains while enslaving the women of the family of Rasul Allah like this?”[1] 📜1. Al-Ihtijaj, Al-Tabarsi, vol.2, p.35. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 The Sweet Scent of Father ✳️ It was night-time, and the ruin was dark . . . She pulled the cover, leaped back . . . The head was not identifiable, nor believable . . . But she felt her father . . . “I can smell a sweet scent from you.” She came close . . . Caressed her father’s face with her small injured hands and lamented: 🔸 “Who orphaned me while I am still a little girl . . .” 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 Imam Hasan (A) Was Poisoned in Saqifa! ✳️ Abu al-Hasan Khali’i, the Shia poet of the 12th and 13th centuries, depicts the situation of Hadhrat Zahra (S) during the usurpation of the caliphate in a way that this event becomes the origin of all Ahl al-Bayt’s sufferings: [Hadhrat Zahra addresses the Muhajirun and Ansar] 🔸 Where is my poisoned child, and where is my martyred son? Gather and help me in my suffering! You poisoned one of my children, killed the other, and did not consider me at all![1] P.S. It is noteworthy that in the poem, Hadhrat Zahra states ‘everything happened today,’ not that the events of Saqifa led to those sufferings. 📜 1. Diwan Al-Khali’i 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 Protector of Everyone ✳️ Sayyid Ali Turk (d. 1945) in a Qasida commemorating the sorrow of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba composed: 🔸 Hasan ibn Ali left this world while he was the supporter and protector of the deprived and the destitute, and he was generous and open-handed with those who had hope in him.[1] 📜 1. Shuara Al-Qura, vol. 4, p. 303. 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com