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متن درسهای زبان انگلیسی نصرت
176 دنبال‌کننده
2 عکس
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🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس هفدهم (بخش اول) 1 درس هفدهم: fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen she She's my daughter. He'd like to eat something, too. Does your daughter live here? Does your son want to eat? Ask me. Ask me where Tehran is? Ask me if I have a car? Tell me. Tell me you live in Iran. I don't know who that is. Where does your daughter want to go? 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 _______________________________ Who's that? That's my husband. Is Ali home? No, he's not home. Ali's not home. He's not home. Where's my wallet? It's on the floor. I owe you a lot. I owe you fourteen dollars. You don't owe me fourteen dollars. Then how much do I owe you? You only owe me thirteen dollars. fifteen dollars fifteen I owe you a lot of money. Ali owes you a lot, too. He only owes me fifteen dollars. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 sixteen sixteen dollars six sixteen seven seventeen eight eighteen four fourteen fifteen five twelve eleven thirteen three 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 a lot a lot of money a lot of water That's a lot of water. That's too much water. My son's going to go to Iran. He wants to go tomorrow. He's going to go tomorrow night. My son wants to speak with you. He wants to speak with you. Is that your daughter? Yes, she is my daughter. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 she She is. She is my daughter. He's my son. He is my son. She's my daughter. She's not my daughter. She lives in Canada. My husband's there, too. Where's my daughter? Where's she? 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Where's my son? Where's he? Where is he? Is my husband there? No, he's not. Yes, he is. Do you want to speak with your husband? Yes, I do. Yes, please. No, not now. Where's my daughter? She's here. She can speak English. I would like to eat something. and your husband? My husband would like to eat something, too. He would like to eat something, too. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 I'd like to eat something. He'd like to eat something, too. and your daughter? She'd like to eat something, too. She wants to eat something. You want to eat. Do you want to eat? Your son wants to eat. Does your son want to eat? do you? does your daughter? does she? do you? does your husband? does he? 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 I live here. Do you live here? My son lives here. Does your son live here? Does he live here? My daughter understands English. She understands English. Does she understand Persian? No, she can't speak Persian. But my son understands Persian. He speaks English, too. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 ___________________ A: Mina, where's your daughter? B: She's at the mall. A: What does she want to buy? B: She wants to buy a book. A: What are you doing tonight Mina? B: I'm going to the supermarket. I need to buy some food. Would you like to go with me? A: Maybe, I'm not sure. I don't have any money with me. B: I can give you some money. I owe you some money anyway. How much do I owe you? A: you owe me thirteen dollars. B: Here's fourteen dollars. A: But that's a dollar more than you owe me. B: Give it to your daughter. I'm sure she wants to buy something. A: All right, thanks. B: You're welcome. 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس هفدهم (بخش اول) 1 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس هفدهم (بخش دوم) 2 ادامه درس هفدهم: 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈________________ Ask me. Where's my daughter? I don't know where your daughter is. Who's that? I don't know who that is. Do you want to go? Does your daughter want to go? Where do you want to go? Where does your daughter want to go? She wants to go to the restaurant. When is she going there? I don't know when she's going there. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Ask me. Where's Tehran? Ask me where Tehran is. Where's Tehran? Tehran is in Iran. Tehran's in Iran. When are you going to Iran? Ask me when I'm going to Iran. When are you going to Iran? I'm going to Iran tomorrow. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Where are you from? Where's your husband from? He's from Iran. Ask me where my husband is from. Where's your husband from? He's from Iran. Ask me where he is now. Where is he now? He's in Canada now. Ask me if I have a car. Do you have a car? Yes, I do. No, I don't. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 _________ live I live. lives She lives. She lives in Canada. one eleven twelve three thirteen fourteen fifteen six sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen if 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 _ Does your son live here? Ask me if my son lives here. Does your son live here? No, he lives in Iran. What do you want to buy? I want to buy a book. Is my son at your house? No, he's not here. Yes, he's here. Is she your daughter? Yes, she is. No, she's not. Do you drink coffee? Yes, I do. No, I don't. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Does your daughter drink coffee? Does she drink coffee? Yes, she drinks coffee. Yes, she does. Do you want to buy a car? Does your husband want to buy a car? Does he want to buy a car? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. He doesn't want to buy a car. My daughter doesn't want to live here. She doesn't want to live here. Where does she live? What does she do? What does she want to buy? 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Do you live in Iran? No, I don't. Yes, I do. Does your husband want some coffee? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. Tell me. Tell me you live in Iran. I live in Iran. Ali wants to buy a car. I live in Canada. Your daughter doesn't drink coffee. She speaks English very well. a lot better a lot better I speak English a lot better now. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 _________________________ A: Who's that? Do you know who that is? B: I don't know who that is. A: Where's my son? Do you know where my son is? B: I don't know where he is. A: Where's my wallet? Do you know where my wallet is? B: I don't know where your wallet is. I don't know where it is. A: What's that? Do you know what that is? B: I don't know what that is. A: When does your daughter want to go to Iran? Do you know when your daughter wants to go to Iran? B: I don't know when she wants to go to Iran. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 A: Does your husband drink coffee? Do you know if your husband drinks coffee? B: I don't know if he drinks coffee. A: How much does my son owe you? Do you know how much my son owes you? B: I don't know how much he owes me, but I know he doesn't owe me a lot. A: Is your son In Canada now? Do you know if your sons in Canada now? B: I don't know if he is in Canada. A: Does your son know you're here? B: I don't know if he knows I'm here. I don't know if he knows that. I think he knows that. Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس هفدهم (بخش دوم) 2 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس هجدهم (بخش اول) 1 درس هجدهم: 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 That's my friend Ali. twenty dollars thirty forty fifty expensive cheap It's very expensive. It's too expensive. Ask him. Ask her. Speak with him. Speak with her. That's for you. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 ___________ my husband your daughter Where's my wallet? It's on the floor. Do you know where my wallet is? No, I don't know where it is. When is Ali going to Iran? I don't know when he wants to go. and Shadi? When does she want to go to Iran? She's going to Iran tomorrow night. Does Shadi know you're here? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 six sixteen seventeen books eighteen cars nineteen dollars eleven dollars thirteen Pepsis How much is a coffee? It's only a dollar. How much does Ali owe you? twenty dollars twenty Ali owes me twenty dollars. He owes me twenty dollars. That's not much. But I think that's a lot. four twenty twenty-four twenty-seven twenty-nine twenty-one 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 I can't give you twenty-five dollars. I have ten dollars. And I have to borrow twenty dollars. I need thirty dollars. thirty three thirty-three thirty-two twenty-three Does your husband want to buy a car? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. I don't know if he wants to buy a car. Who's that? He's my friend. my friend He's my friend. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 She's my friend. one book I have two books. I have two friends. Does your friend live here? No, my friend lives in Shiraz. My friend would like to drink some water. He'd like to drink some water. Do you have any money? Yes, I do. How much do you need? I need forty dollars. I only have twenty dollars. forty forty-four 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 I only have forty-five dollars. I don't have forty-eight dollars. But I can give you thirty-seven dollars. Do you have any money? Yes, I have thirty-nine dollars. your friend your friend Ali Does your friend Ali have any money? I don't know. Ask me. ask your friend Ask your friend. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 If we can borrow some money? Tell me. Tell your friend Ali. Tell your friend Ali we need some money. Tell him. Tell him we need money. Tell your friend Ali we need money. Tell him we need money. Ask me. Ask him. Do you know where Mina is? Yes, She's home. Tell her. Tell Mina I can't go to the mall. Tell her I can't go to the mall. Ask Ali if he wants to go to the mall. Ask him if he wants to go to the mall. 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس هجدهم (بخش اول) 1 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس هجدهم (بخش دوم) 2 ادامه درس هجدهم: 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 ______________________________ A: Jim, are you going to buy a car today? B: No, I don't think I can buy it today. I need some more money. A: But you can speak with your friend Mina. Maybe you can borrow some money from her. B: Mina is in Iran now. A: Where's Navid? Is he in Iran, too? B: No, he's here. A: You can ask him. Maybe he can give you some money. B: But I don't know where he is now. A: Do you know how much you need? B: What? A: I'm asking you how much you need. B: I don't need a lot. Are you going to give me some money? A: Yes, I am. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 __________ My friend Ali lives in Canada. He's going to Iran tomorrow night. forty I can give you forty dollars. But I need more. I need fifty dollars. fifty fifty-five fifty-six fifty-one I need that book. I need it. Can I buy it? How much is it? It's only three dollars. It's cheap. Cheap 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 You speak English very well. That book is very cheap. That book's very cheap. It's not late. It's not cheap. Is Mina home? Yes, she is. Do you want to speak with her? Ask her. If she knows where my book is? Ask her if she knows where my book is. Your book is with Ali. with whom? with Ali Is Ali there? No, he's not. Please tell him I need my book. Please tell him I need it. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 How much is a coffee? It's six dollars. That's not cheap. That's very expensive. expensive That's very expensive. It's not cheap. It's expensive. It's too late. It's too expensive. It's very expensive. It's not very expensive. It's not too expensive. Yes, it's very expensive. It's too expensive for me. for me for you 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 ______ friend twenty thirty forty fifty expensive him Tell him. her Ask her. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 _______ for Ali for my son for him for my daughter for her with him with her I want to speak with Ali. I want to speak with him. I want to buy a book for Ali. I want to buy a book for him. What are you going to buy for Mina? I want to buy a wallet for her. I don't know what to buy for her. Does Ali know where Mina is? No, he doesn't know where she is. Tell me. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Speak with me. Speak with your husband. Speak to your husband. Speak with him. Speak to him. Speak to your daughter. Speak to her. How much is that book? It's fifty dollars. That's too expensive. No, it's fifteen dollars. Then it's cheap. 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس هجدهم (بخش دوم) 2 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
هدایت شده از پشت پرده سیاست
جرائم و تخلفات آقای حسن روحانی به بیان استاد غضنفری بخش اول 1 🆔 @gando_sansor پشت پرده سیاست را به دیگران هم معرفی کنید
متن درس 18 نصرت
هدایت شده از پشت پرده سیاست
🔴🔵🔴 جرائم و تخلفات آقای حسن روحانی به بیان استاد #غضنفری 🔸بخش دوم #جرائم_روحانی 2 🆔 @gando_sansor پشت پرده سیاست را به دیگران هم معرفی کنید.🌹
هدایت شده از پشت پرده سیاست
🔴🔵🔴 جرائم و تخلفات آقای حسن روحانی به بیان استاد #غضنفری 🔸بخش سوم #جرائم_روحانی 3 🆔 @gando_sansor پشت پرده سیاست را به دیگران هم معرفی کنید.🌹
🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس نوزدهم (بخش اول) 1 درس نوزدهم: @nosrat_matn I'm tired. why? because enough enough money Do you have enough money? dress a glass of water a glass of milk fast faster You speak too fast. We can go earlier. why not? 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 ________ How much is that book? It's forty dollars. It's too expensive. No, it's not expensive. It's cheap. What's that? That's for you. Oh, thank you. You're welcome. I'm going to buy a car. for my son I'm going to buy a car for him. why? Do you want to go? When do you want to go? Why do you want to go? because Why do you want to buy that car? Because it's very cheap. Why do you want to go to the mall? Because I have to buy something. I don't want to speak with him. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 why not? Would you like to have dinner with me? No, I can't have dinner with you. why not? Because I have to go to the store. with my friend Who's your friend? You don't know her. She's from Iran. Can you buy that car for me? No, I can't. why not? Because it's very expensive. Yours is very expensive, too. Yes, but mine is better than that. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Can we go to a restaurant now? why not? Do you know a good restaurant? Yes, I do. Can we go to the mall, too? No, we can't. why not? Because it's late now. I'm tired. You're tired. He's tired. She's tired. Is your husband going to the supermarket? No, he's tired now. Are you tired? Yes, a little. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 I need some money. I can give you thirty dollars. That's not enough. enough Do you have enough money? I'm not sure. I only have fifty dollars. I think that's enough. enough money It's expensive. It's enough. Is it enough? No, it's not enough. Yes, it's enough. What do you want to buy with your money? dress I want to buy a dress. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 _________________ A: Hello, Jim. B: Hello, Mina. How are you? A: Fine, thanks. And you? B: I'm fine, thank you. A: I want to go to the mall, Jim. B: Why? A: Because I want to buy a dress. Would you like to go with me? B: No, thanks. A: Why not? B: I'm a little tired today. Do you have enough money? A: I'm not sure. How much is a dress? B: I don't know, maybe forty dollars. How much do you have? A: I only have thirty dollars in my wallet. B: Okay. Here's twenty dollars for you. Now you have fifty dollars. A: Do you think that's enough? B: I think it is. A: Are you sure? B: Yes, I am. A: Very well. Thanks a lot. B: You're welcome. 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس نوزدهم (بخش اول) 1 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس نوزدهم (بخش دوم) 2 ادامه درس نوزدهم: @nosrat_matn ________________ How much is that dress? It's fifty-three dollars. It's very cheap. forty-eight seventeen thirty-nine twenty-one Does your son live in Iran? No, he lives in Canada. Why does he live there? Because my daughter lives there, too. My son lives with her. Do you have enough cash in your wallet? No, I don't. Yes, I do. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Can I borrow thirty-five dollars from you? sure Can you give me a coffee? sure Here you are. Does Shadi want to drink something? Yes, she does. What would she like to drink? She wants a glass of water. glass a glass of water, please Do you have a glass? Why do you want a glass? Because I want to drink some water. milk a glass of water a glass of milk Can I have a glass of milk? Sure 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Are you tired? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. Yes, a little. How much is that dress? It's thirty-two dollars. That's not too expensive. I'd like to buy it. my husband my husband and I My husband and I would like to go to the restaurant. my son and I my daughter and I you and I 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 My husband and I drink a lot of milk. But my son doesn't drink any milk. What would you like to drink? a glass of water, please I don't understand what you want. You speak too fast. fast You speak very well. very fast You speak very fast. You speak too much. I'm sorry. You speak too fast. I can't understand you. faster cheap cheaper early earlier Your car is a good car. Your car is a better car. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 why? why not? why not today? because tired I'm tired. enough dress drink dress sure glass glass of water milk a glass of milk early earlier good better 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 _____ a good house a better house Do you have enough money? No, I need some money. Can I borrow some from you? sure. why not? My son wants a glass of water. My daughter wants some milk. You have to drink a lot of water. Water's good for you. earlier We can go there earlier. faster a little faster Can you speak a little faster? sure 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس نوزدهم (بخش دوم) 2 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
هدایت شده از پشت پرده سیاست
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
🔴چگونه مسلمان شدم 💕 @nosrat_matn 👉🏻 🔹داستان مسلمان شدن یک جوان مسیحی در ملبورن ☑️☑️ @gando_sansor
هدایت شده از پشت پرده سیاست
📲آواهای انتظار رایگان سخنرانی‌های سپهبد شهید حاج قاسم سلیمانی ☑️☑️ @gando_sansor
🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس 21 (بخش اول) 1 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 درس بیست و یکم(بخش اول): Restroom They’re in Iran now Beach Ali’s in the beach I want to go to the beach Every day Again Hotel Eighty Ninety Small 💕 @zabanosrat1 Good morning Ali Goodnight Sixty Seventy Forty-seven Seventy-four Fifty-six Sixty-one Good evening Goodnight Good afternoon Where is your wife? She’s at the mall now What time is it? It’s four o'clock We want to go to the mall At what time? At eleven o'clock 💕 @zabanosrat1 Ask me if I can tell you wat time it is? Can you tell me wat time it is? Can you tell me wat time it is? Sure It’s five o'clock It’s four twenty It’s six thirty-five It’s three ten I’m sorry I don’t know what time it is You can go hoame If you're tired You can go hoame If you're tired 💕 @zabanosrat1 My wife My wife is going to Iran She is going with my son My son’s going with my wife My son’s going with her They are in Canada now They They are They are in Canada now They are in Canada now They They are in Canada now You are They are They 💕 @zabanosrat1 They speak English very well They speak They speak English very well Tell me your wife and your daughter are in Canada Tell me your wife and daughter are in Canada My wife and my daughter are in Canada My wife and my son are in Canada They are in canada They are They’re They’re in canada They are They’re They’re in canada 💕 @zabanosrat1 Are you from Iran? Are They from Iran? Yes they are No they’re not No they’re not We want to eat lunch now We want to eat lunch now they want to eat lunch now We don’t want to eat dinner now They don’t want to eat dinner now Do you live in Iran? Yes we do No we don’t Do they live in Iran? Yes they do No we don’t 💕 @zabanosrat1 Where is the mall? Where is the resroom? Restroom resroom Where is the resroom? Where is the resroom? It’s there I’m sorry I don’t know where the restroom is The restroom is here The restroom is here Where is youe son? He’s at the beach Beach at the beach He’s at the beach He’s at the beach We want to go to the mall We want to go to the beach We go to the beach every day every every day We go to the beach every day We go to the beach every day every day 💕 @zabanosrat1 a glass of milk I drik a glass of milk every day Where would you like to go? I’d like to go to the beach Is mina home? No she’s not Then can I speak to Ali? Then can I speak to Ali? Ali’s not home Where are they? They’re at the beach They go there every day 💕 @zabanosrat1 Steve what do you want to do today. I want to go to the beach. And what do you going to do tomorrow. I don’t know. We can go to the beach tomorrow too. We can’t go to the beach every day Why not? Because we have a lot to do tomorrow, and we can go there today All right, What time do you want to go there? Two o'clock What time is it now? It’s one o'clock 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس 21 (بخش اول) 1 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس 21 (بخش دوم) 2 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 ادامه درس بیست و یکم: Does your friend Jim want to go to the beach too? No he doesn’t And your son? No they’re at the mall Okey then two o’clock at the beach. All right Excuse me. Where's the restroom? It's there. How much do I owe you? I don't know. Tell me you have to ask your son I have to ask my son I have to ask my son You owe me eighty dollars eighty eighty dollars You owe me eighty dollars Eighty 💕 @zabanosrat1 You owe me eighty dollars Eighty eight Eighty - three Eighty - one Eighty - nine I only have Eighty four dollars If you give me six dollars I can buy that dress How much is that dress? It’s ninety dollars Ninety It’s ninety dollars ninety 💕 @zabanosrat1 It’s very expensive Ninety-eight Ninety-nine Ninety Ninety-five What time is it? It’s four o'clock Ask me when I want to go home Ask me when I want to go home when do you want to go home? At nine o’clock At what time are you going to the beach? At five o’clock We go to the beach every day 💕 @zabanosrat1 What time is it now? It’s four twenty now We have a lot of money They have a lot of money too They can buy a house They can’t buy a house With that money They can’t buy a house With that money They can buy a small house Small Small house They can buy a small house Small Small A small house They can buy a small house I have a small car That dress is too expensive That dress is too small 💕 @zabanosrat1 Cheap Cheaper Small Smaller A small car A smaller car I need a smaller car Tell me that your car is smaller than mine My car is smaller than yours My car is smaller than yours I want to go to the beach My friends want to go there too do they want to go to the beach too? Yes, they do They want to go there tomorrow too 💕 @zabanosrat1 Again They’re going there again Where do they want to have lunch? At a hotel I’m tired I want to go to the hotel I know a good hotel The hotel is at the beach Now tell me I can sit here if I want You can sit here If you want Thank you I have to go now 💕 @zabanosrat1 They They are They’re They’re in Canada Room Restroom Where is the restroom Beach Every day Every Every day Ninety Small Store Speak Street Small Smaller Hotel 💕 @zabanosrat1 What time is it? It’s eight-forty It’s seven thirty-five It’s twelve o’clock It’s eleven-fifty At what time do you want to go to the beach? At four o’clock Or maybe at three thirty I go to the mall every day 💕 @zabanosrat1 Are you going to the beach again? Not today But maybe tomorrow Where is your wife? She is at the beach She is at the beach with my son They’re at the beach I can give you some money If you want to go to the store Thanks I have enough money Are you sure? Yes thanks again That’s my wife mina That’s my husband Ali 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس 21 (بخش دوم) 2 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
🌹 1 درس بیست و سوم(بخش اول): hundred I have a hundred dollars. big enough gas gas station more expensive It's only five kilometers. It's three miles. really? How far is Houston from here? from here to Tehran How many kilometers is it to London? 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 _______________________________ Nice to meet you. Where are your children? They're over there. How many children do you have? We only have one child. Who is it? It's me. Is that you, Mina? Yes, it's me. No, it's me Shadi. Then where's Mina? I don't know where she is. Excuse me. Where's the restroom? It's over there. It's over here. I'm a little tired. Why are you tired? I don't know. Your daughter's very cute. Where are you going? I'm going to the store. Do you have enough money? No, I need some money. How much do you need? Is one hundred dollars enough? hundred Yes, I think that's enough. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 four hundred four hundred seven hundred eight hundred one hundred three hundred twenty-seven three hundred twenty-seven two hundred sixty-five eight hundred seventeen nine hundred four How many children do you have? Is that your car? Your car is not big enough. Because you have five children. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 big enough cheap cheap enough good enough That house is too small for you. Yes, that's not big enough for me. We're going to Canada tomorrow. How far is Canada? how far? It's very far. Canada is very far from here. It's very far from here. It's eight hundred miles from here. one mile five hundred miles How far is the beach from here? It's not very far. It's only six miles. It's only ten kilometers. one kilometer far how far? 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 big how big? How big is your house? It's not very big. But it's big enough for me. How far is your house from here? It's only five miles. It's only eight kilometers. really? Yes, really. That's not very far. I'm buying a house. really? Yes, really. How much is a house here? I don't know. But I think it's very expensive. more expensive Your house is more expensive than mine. But my car is more expensive than yours. Your car's cheaper. And it's not big enough. Is that your car? No, my car is over there. 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس 23 (بخش اول) 1 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
ادامه درس بیست و سوم: 🌹 2 درس بیست و سوم(بخش دوم): ____________________ A: Hello, Steve. How are you? B: I'm fine, thanks. And you? A: Very well. What are you going to do tomorrow, Steve? B: I want to go to London tomorrow. A: Oh, really? How far is London from here? B: It's not very far. it's only two hundred kilometers. A: Two hundred kilometers? How many miles is that? B: I think that's a hundred twenty-five miles, but I'm not sure. A: Are your children and your wife going with you? B: Yes, they are. We're going together. A: Really? Are you going to a hotel in London? B: No, we're not. We have some very good friends in London. We don't need to go to a hotel. A: Okay, Steve. I have to go now. Goodbye. B: Goodbye. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 __________ What do you want to do tomorrow? How far is Manchester from here? You need a lot of gas. gas Gas is very expensive in Los Angeles. But it's more expensive in London. really? Yes, really. How do you know that? Because my son lives there. How much is gas in Canada? I really don't know. We need some gas. Where can we buy some gas? at a gas station gas station a gas station the gas station Where's the gas station? It's over there. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Can you tell me where the gas station is? Excuse me. Where can I buy some gas? at a gas station over there at the gas station Is Houston very far from here? from here to Houston my house from here to my house It's two miles from here to my house. It's four kilometers from here to the gas station. from there It's eighteen miles from there to here. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 ______________________________ hundred drink big enough how far? How far is it? kilometer really station from from here from there London _______ How many children do you have? How many miles is it? from here to Los Angeles How many miles is it from here to Los Angeles? How many kilometers is it from here to Frankfort? I think it's three hundred fifty kilometers. really? Yes, or maybe more. I'm not sure. I have to buy some gas. Do you know where the gas station is? The gas station is on Main Street. expensive more expensive Gas is more expensive here. enough money enough gas Do you have enough gas? Yes, I do. No, I don't. How far is Esfahan? How many kilometers is it to Esfahan? It's six hundred twenty-five kilometers. It's three hundred ninety miles. Where's the gas station? Is it very far from here? No, It's only two miles from here. It's over there. Nice to meet you, too. 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس 23 (بخش دوم) 2 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 ترجمه انگلیسی شعر همای رحمت-اثر استاد شهریار همای رحمت The Huma of bliss علي اي هماي رحمت تو چه آيتي خدا را که به ماسوا فکندي همه سايه‌ي هما را O Ali! the bird of bliss, what a portent of God thou art For, thy shadow hast over-shadowed one and all دل اگر خداشناسي همه در رخ علي بين به علي شناختم به خدا قسم خدا را O heart! If thou art Gog-gnostic, seek every thing in Ali`simage By God , I came to know God by the very Ali indeed 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 به خدا که در دو عالم اثر از فنا نماند چو علي گرفته باشد سر چشمه‌ي بقا را By God in the two universes no trace doth remain of mortality Cos Ali hast occupied the source of eternity مگر اي سحاب رحمت تو بباري ارنه دوزخ به شرار قهر سوزد همه جان ماسوا را O the cloud of bliss! thou should of rain if not ,the hell Would burn one and all`s lives in violence برو اي گداي مسکين در خانه‌ي علي زن که نگين پادشاهي دهد از کرم گدا را O! the poor beggar go and knock at Ali`s door Cos he would present thou the king`s seal-ring in charity 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 بجز از علي که گويد به پسر که قاتل من چو اسير تست اکنون به اسير کن مدارا Nobody save Ali would order his son to be kind to his murderer While he is thy captive بجز از علي که آرد پسري ابوالعجائب که علم کند به عالم شهداي کربلا را Who save Ali begetest a surprising son Who renderst universal fame and honour to the Karbala martyrs چو به دوست عهد بندد ز ميان پاکبازان چو علي که ميتواند که بسر برد وفا را 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Who canst pay allegiance to friend like Ali Amoung the sincere devoters to keep his promise to friend نه خدا توانمش خواند نه بشر توانمش گفت متحيرم چه نامم شه ملک لافتي را Neither can he be called God nor can he called son I wonder what shall I call the king of Lafata Land? بدو چشم خون فشانم هله اي نسيم رحمت که ز کوي او غباري به من آر توتيا را 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 O the breeze of Bliss! I shall spray blood from the two eyes So from his site a dust of collyrium to me brought! به اميد آن که شايد برسد به خاک پايت چه پيامها سپردم همه سوز دل صبا را Perchance I hope the dust of thy foot receivest My hot hearty sorrowfull calls that I hold for Sheba! چو تويي قضاي گردان به دعاي مستمندان که ز جان ما بگردان ره آفت قضا را 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Cos thou listenest to the poor prayers So thou turnest away from our soul the way of the Fate`s pest چه زنم چوناي هردم ز نواي شوق او دم که لسان غيب خوشتر بنوازد اين نوا را What can I blow like the voice of the loud pipe at any moment For the sake of the excitement Cos the tongue of the unseen holdest not pleasanter than this voice 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 همه شب در اين اميدم که نسيم صبحگاهي به پيام آشنائي بنوازد و آشنا را I hold this hope all nights to the Down`s breeze To caress the acquaintee with a friendly calling voice ز نواي مرغ يا حق بشنو که در دل شب غم دل به دوست گفتن چه خوشست شهريارا Hearken to the song of the Ya Hagh O Shahriar! How pleasant it is to tell the friend the heart`s sorrow in the night`s heart 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
🔹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت 🌹 1 درس بیست و چهارم(بخش اول): hi two thousand dollars This is my friend. nine in the morning say Try to say. Wait here. Come in. I think so. He has to come, too. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 _______________ I need some gas. really? How far is the gas station? It's only one mile from here. How much money do you need? How much gas do you need? I don't need a lot. But I want a lot of milk. for your car? No, for my children. How many children do you have? I have five children. three sons and two daughters They go to the beach a lot. They're going again tomorrow. We're going to buy that house. Is it big enough? I think You need a bigger house. A bigger house is more expensive, too. How much money do you have now? I have nine hundred fifty dollars. I want to buy a small car. Is that small enough? No, I need a smaller car. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 ____________________ A: Hi, Joe. What are you doing? B: I'm going to buy a gas station. A: Really? I think it's better if you buy a house. B: I don't have enough money to buy a big house now, but if I buy a gas station, I can buy a bigger house for my children and wife later. A: Is it more expensive for you to buy a house or a gas station? B: It's more expensive for me to buy a gas station now, but I can buy a house later with the money from the gas station. A: How far is the gas station from your house? B: It's very far from your house. Maybe two or three hundred miles. A: How many miles is it from here? B: It's only five miles from here. A: Okay. I have to go now. Goodbye. B: Goodbye. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 __________ Hello, how are you? hi Hi, how are you? How much money do you have? I have three hundred dollars. How much more do you need? two thousand dollars four hundred dollars four thousand dollars ten thousand dollars I have twenty thousand dollars. That's a lot of money. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 hello This is my friend. Who's that? Who's this? This is my friend Mina. Nice to meet you, Mina. Nice to meet you, too. You're very cute. thanks a lot This is a good restaurant. Is this your car? No, I have a smaller car. My car is smaller than this. good morning What time would you like to have breakfast? nine in the morning We're going to the mall at ten o'clock. We're going to the mall in the morning. I have to buy some gas. My car doesn't have any gas. We can buy gas in the morning, too. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 say I need a smaller car. I need more gas. I need some gas now. I speak English. I speak English very well now. Try to say. I'd like to have breakfast in the morning. Now try to say. I'd like to have breakfast later. Excuse me, ma'am. Is Sarah home? Yes, she's home. Wait here. Can you wait here? I can't wait. 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس 24 (بخش اول) 1 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
ادامه درس بیست و چهارم: 🌹 2 درس بیست و چهارم(بخش دوم): I'm sorry, but Sarah is not home. Would you like to wait for her? sure Come in. Come in, please. Would you like to come in? You can wait over there. Come in. Wait here. Come here. Hi, Sarah. How are you? I'm fine, thanks. When are you going to come here? I don't know. I'm going to buy something. I'm buying something now. I'm coming now. How much money do you have? I have a lot of money. I have more than six thousand dollars. Is this your wallet? I think so. Is this your money? I think so. 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 ________ hi thousand this This is my friend. morning in the morning try Try to say. wait wife wait what? well want wait Wait here, please. Come in. think I think so. 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 ________ What are you doing? I'm going to wait here. I'm waiting for my son. I'm waiting for him here. Are you going to come in? I'm going to come in later. Where's your son? He's coming here. Where's your son coming from? He's coming from Toronto. I'm waiting for him here. How far is Toronto from here? Toronto's very far from here. How many kilometers is it? It's three thousand kilometers from here. really? Are you sure? I think so. 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 I don't know. I don't think so. We have to go to the hotel now. and your son? He has to come, too. I have to go. He has to go. I have a thousand dollars. He has a thousand dollars. Is your daughter coming, too? Yes, she has to come, too. My daughter's coming, too. Does she have any money? Yes, she has a lot of money. But my son has more money. Does he have more money than you? No, he doesn't have more money than me. But he has more money than my wife. really? Yes, really. Does he have more money than me? I don't think so. Wait 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 ____ A: Hi, Charles. Are you coming to the restaurant, too? B: No, I have to go to the mall in morning. I'm trying to buy a dress for my wife. A: The mall is more expensive than the stores. B: I don't think so. A: We can ask my son, but we have to wait. He's eating breakfast. B: Does he have to go to the mall, too? A: He has to buy something, but I don't think he's going to buy anything from the mall. He thinks the mall is too expensive. B: Really? Not the mall I go to. A: How much do you think this dress is at the mall you go to? B: I don't know how much this dress is, but it's not more expensive than the store. A: Okay. I have to go now. Goodbye. B: Goodbye. 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس 24 (بخش دوم) 2 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
هدایت شده از افق حوزه
🔮 ویژه‌نامه وزین «الحاد جدید» 🔰 @ofogh_howzah
#تمرین ♦️متن توییت را به فارسی ترجمه کنید.
💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 🔹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت 🌹 1 درس بیست و پنجم(بخش اول): people I know a lot of people. how many people? They're nice people. my family There are good restaurants here. our house with us which? Which book is yours? which one? that one this one the big one which way? which way is Los Angeles? It's not this way. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 _____________ Hi, Ali. How are you? Fine, thanks. Come in, please. Is the Persian restaurant on Washington Street? I don't think so. How much money do you have? I have a thousand dollars. five thousand one thousand two thousand four hundred eight thousand nine hundred This is my house. Is this your wallet? No, that's not mine. Ali, where are you? I'm coming. eight o'clock in the morning. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Does Ali want to go to Chicago? Yes, he does. When is he going? tomorrow at seven o'clock in the morning Does your daughter have a car? No, but she wants to buy a car. She has two thousand dollars. I want to give her four thousand dollars. Can she buy a good car? with six thousand dollars I think so. Can you wait here for me? I'm a little tired. Ali, are you coming? Yes, but wait a little, please. I have to go to the restroom. I know a good restaurant. How far is it from here? It's not very far. It's only two kilometers. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 I know a lot of people. a lot of people people how many people? How many dollars do you have here? How many people do you know here? I know a lot of people here. Where are your children? They're in Canada. people good people They're good people. They're nice people. A lot of people go to the beach everyday. Gas is more expensive here. I don't know that. A lot of people don't know that. I'm going to Houston tomorrow. Is your wife going with you? Yes, she is. and your children? They're coming, too. I'm going with my family. Family 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 You have a big family. But we're small family. We're only three people. Does your family live here? Yes, they live here. I'd like to have dinner now. Do you know a good restaurant? Yes, I do. There are good restaurants here. There are two restaurants on Sunset Avenue. Are they very expensive? No, they're not. There are big supermarkets in Tehran. Are there good supermarkets in Iran? Yes, there are. This is my house. That's our house. our house our children Our children live in Iran. They don't live here. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Where's my car? Where's our car? It's over there. Our car is over there. My son's coming here tonight. He wants to have dinner. with us He wants to have dinner with us. really? What time is he coming? at seven o'clock 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس 25 (بخش اول) 1 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈
💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 🔹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت 🌹 2 ادامه درس بیست و پنجم: ______________ A: Hi, Jim. How are you? B: Hi, Ali. I'm okay. Thanks. A: Jim, we're going to Houston tomorrow. Would you like to come with us? B: Sure, what time are you going? A: Six o'clock in the morning. B: That's too early, Ali. A: I know, but I'd like to have lunch in Houston. B: Is your family going with you? A: Yes, they are. B: How many miles is it to Houston? A: I'm not sure. I think it's two hundred miles. B: Then we need a lot of gas. A: Yes, we do. B: Do you have a big car Ali? A: Yes, our car is big enough for our family. B: Can my family go with us? A: How many people are there in your family? B: It's my wife and three children. A: Then we need two cars. ______________________ 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 a lot of money a lot of books There are a lot of books here. Which one is yours? which one? which? That's our car. which one? that one this one Is it this one? No, it's that one. which store? which hotel? which supermarket? which gas station? which house? that house this house? 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 No, that one. Which gas station is cheaper? that one this one I think that gas station is cheaper. This one is more expensive. We need some gas. from here to Los Angeles How far is it from here to Los Angeles? It's very far. Which way is Los Angeles? Which way is Miami? 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 which? which way? this way that way Which way is Main Street? Is it this way? No, It's that way. It's not this way. It isn't this way. Is Omid home? No, he's not. No, he isn't. and Mina? Are they in Iran? No, they're not. No, they aren't. 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 ____________ people a lot of people family my family there are our our house which? what? win where? which? way which way? one which one? this one that one It isn't. It isn't this way. _____________ 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 Excuse me. Which way is the mall? which mall? the big one the small one the smaller one The big mall's that way. The big mall is that way. this way or that way? It's this way. thanks a lot You're welcome. which dress? the cheaper one the more expensive one 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈 This is our son Ali. Come in, please. Ali has to go to Esfahan. at six o'clock in the morning Gas is very expensive in Canada. Do you think so? Yes, I think so. Where are they? Where are the people? They're nice people. There are a lot of people in the restaurant. How many people are there? There are thirty people. Which one is your house? the big one the small one with me with us Tell me. Tell us. 🌹آموزش انگلیسی با روش نصرت، درس 25 (بخش دوم) 2 💕 @zabanosrat1 👈👈 💕 @nosrat_matn 👈👈