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🔻Ali Reza Panahian Popular speaker & teacher. Expert in education & ethics. Strategist & theorist. Head of a seminary. Author. Panahian.net Facebook.com/panahianEN Instagram.com/PanahianEN Twitter.com/PanahianEN Youtube.com/c/PanahianEnglish
مشاهده در ایتا
🏠 Do you have a plan for your home? @PanahianEN
🌱 Your mood is important to God. 🔻It is not only people themselves who want to be in a good mood. God also insists on this. 🔻We can summarize the result and essence of religiosity in having a good mood. The importance of well-being before God, the Almighty, is much greater than the importance of well-being among human beings themselves. Human beings naturally like to be in a good mood. They even pray for each other’s well-being and try to achieve this. Being in a good mood is important to people, but only when you look at religion do you see that religion has paid much more attention to being in a good mood. People’s ignorance and neglect with respect to the importance and value of being in a good mood needs to be resolved. 🔻An important point is that a good mood can start from a little and increase to quite a lot. Usually, many people do not know or want "to be in a very good mood!" People sometimes see the peak of being in a good mood in the Friends of God, but no one usually seeks or experiences it. This is where religion and God address people about having a good mood and say, "O you who cares about having a good mood, you are just in the beginning of the way. You should try to reach the peak of a good mood." 🔻God wants us to be in a good mood, but we don’t truly believe this. For example, when you are grieving and worrying for no good reason, you are actually becoming dark spiritually. You are moving away from God moment by moment. You are not sinning in appearances, but you are preparing the ground for committing great sins. You are not doing a very bad deed in appearances, but you are destroying the possibility of doing many good deeds. Why did you want to do a good deed? In order to be in a good mood. But now you have accepted to be in a bad mood! 🔻Have you seen how parents get upset when their children get upset? Parents can often tolerate their own problems easier than their children's problems because they love their children so much. If you feel bad - in my terminology - you make God feel bad too! This is similar to the way that when you feel bad, you make your parents feel bad too. @PanahianEN
💐Congratulations on Father's Day @PanahianEN
📌Financial support for the Official Office for the Compilation and Publication of the Works of Ali Reza Panahian for continuing its activities 🌱Your financial support plays a significant role in the continuation of our activities! ❤️We appreciate all those who have helped us on this path with their support and made these activities possible. 🔻Some of the institute’s activities: 1. Filming and editing speeches 2. Preparing and printing books and pamphlets 3. Making both short and long video clips 4. Producing posters and summaries of speeches 5. Managing the website and social networks 6. Translating and publishing in Arabic, English, Urdu, French, Spanish, Azerbaijani and Turkish. Short video introducing our activities: t.me/PanahianEN/2383 Full video introducing our activities: youtu.be/WivejUjkacs 🔴Payment methods and financial support: 👉🏼 Panahian.net/donate @PanahianEN
📘 The Culture of Itikaf @PanahianEN
📘The Culture of Itikaf Itikaf or spiritual retreat is a kind of religious seclusion in the Mosque. Itikaf means staying in the Mosque for at least three days. During this stay, one mustn’t leave the Mosque unless necessary, and he/she must fast during the days. Itikaf isn’t a worship act by force. It is a voluntary worship act with the aim of getting closer to God, and it has been mentioned in some verses of the Qur’an. [2:18] Although Itikaf is optional, if someone performs Itikaf for two days, Itikaf becomes obligatory on the third day. So what is the spiritual meaning behind Itikaf? Itikaf means searching and probing for God’s commands. You stay two days in God’s house [Mosque] so that on the third day God will order you to be confined to His house. Itikaf means volunteering to receive God’s commands. Itikaf means a blossoming of our internal nature, understanding the beauty of commands and a servant becoming freed from his uncertainty. Itikaf means coming at His beckon, listening to His command, and leaving when He gives permission. I ask you to take the customs of Itikaf with you when you leave the Mosque. When I say the customs of Itikaf, I mean the spirit and outlook that can be created in a person by Itikaf and which begins when gathering with other people in Itikaf. A custom of Itikaf is to say, “This is worthless for me to do a good deed since ‘I’ feel like it. What is more valuable is for fundamentally ‘I’ and ‘my will’ not to exist, and only God and His commands compel me to do good deeds.” This is what is meant by servitude. A person must try to get close to the true meaning of servitude by performing the deeds that are compulsory so that he/she can enjoy worshipping. Yes, enjoy. But, this pleasure is different from sensual enjoyments. These are spiritual, higher pleasures of the soul. This pleasure is the reward of the Great Lord for His humble servant who has gained dignity. Itikaf is of this kind of pleasure and is not a selfish enjoyment. It is a pleasure in pursuing God, which is active in the souls of pure, vigilant people and those who are in love. From the book, "Why does God command me?" by Ali Reza Panahian @PanahianEN
🌱Does talking about a good mood make us feel good? 🔻 Talking about being in a good mood makes you feel good and is effective in itself. Some may say, "Being in a good mood is the result of a series of introductory steps. So first we have to take those steps, then a good mood will come itself.” This is not an accurate statement. It is true that being in a good or bad mood is the result of a long series of introductory steps. But regardless of what those steps are, we can still make a change in our mood. It is possible I may have done things preparing the ground for me to be in a bad mood. Nevertheless, I can still affect my resulting mood. A person has this power. 🔻An example is a water that is muddy from the source. Now this muddy water has collected in a pond. If you want to clean this muddy water, do you necessarily need to go to the source? No, you can put a filter in the pond to clean the water. 🔻Being in a good mood is something separate from the realities that surround a person and our mood can even be different from our inner realities. No matter what the realities around or within us are, we should be in a good mood. 🔻It is possible for a person to keep himself in a good mood in spite of all the external or internal and physical or mental realities. Being in a good mood can still be imaginable and something we long for despite our dangerous future or horrible past. Furthermore, moving toward a good mood is both desirable and necessary for human beings. 🔻The good thing about talking about being in a good mood is that by controlling your mood, to a large extent you can prevent the effects of factors that have made you feel bad, whether these factors have affected you over time or they have made you feel bad from within yourself. This is like a painkiller used for headaches. What causes your headaches? A gastrointestinal problem may be giving you a headache. Apart from treating your gastrointestinal problem, which may take some time, you can take a painkiller for now. Painkillers are usually like this that they reduce your pain for now and you find a little relief. @PanahianEN
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📌A person’s goal must be discovered, not chosen! 🌱This is the way we’ve been created. 🔴 youtu.be/8H3mu25_MPc @PanahianEN
▪️Condolences on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Javad (as) @PanahianEN