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پخش کلیپی به مناسبت سالروز ولادت امام جواد علیه السلام، در خلال کلاس ها. امروز دوشنبه 4 اسفند 99 Showing a short video in commemoration of the birthday anniversary of Imam Jawad a.s, during classes. Today Monday February 22, 2021.
In His Name Respected Parents, Please be informed that the third online parents-teachers meeting has been scheduled on Tuesday (23rd of February) at 12:30 InshaAllah. Your presence is highly appreciated and we welcome your comments and feedback with open arms. You can join the meeting via the following link: https://lms.saviorschools.com/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/view.php?id=20980&forceview=1 The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the following issues: 1. Students attendance in on-line classes 2. Students class activities 3. First term issues and concerns 4. First end-term examinations and results 5. Teachers' concerns regarding online learning Thanks for your kind cooperation. Monji International School Network-Girls Shift بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم خدمت والدین گرامی سلام علیکم سومین جلسه اولیا و مربیان به صورت آنلاین امروز سه شنبه 5 اسفند ماه ساعت 12.30 برگزار خواهد شد. از والدین گرامی درخواست داریم در جلسه حضور داشته باشند و دغدغه ها و سوالات خود را با معلمان عزیز مطرح کنند. از طریق لینک میتوانید در جلسه آنلاین شرکت کنید: https://lms.saviorschools.com/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/view.php?id=20980&forceview=1 مسائل اصلی جلسه به شرح زیر است: *حضور فعال و به موقع دانش آموزان در کلاس ها * بررسی مسائل ترم اول *بررسی نتایج امتحانات پایان ترم اول *دغدغه های معلمان عزیز در رابطه با مسائل آموزشی دانش آموزان با تشکر مجتمع آموزشی بین المللی منجی-شیفت دختران
Salaam dear all you can also sign and complete your consent form in this format. please either you are participating in the competition or attending as viewers fill out this form. regards
والدین و دانش آموزان گرامی اختلال و قطعی موقتی که امروز (سه شنبه) بوجود آمده، به خاطر اختلال اینترنت می باشد. مجتمع آموزشی بین المللی منجی شیفت پسران Respected student and parents The temporary disruption that occurred this evening (Tuesday) was due to a internet problem. Monji International School Network (Boy's Shift)
🌹🌿🌹🌿🌹🌿🌹🌿🌹🌿🌹🌿🌹 Congratulations on this auspicious occasion the birth anniversary of Amir al-Mo'menin Ali bin Abi Talib a.s. 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 Happy Men's and Father's Day to all 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐 Today's girls assembly went on with a narration about the famous story of Imam Ali's a.s. birth in Kaaba and a nashid clip. We were surprised to hear from Aliya Zahra about her own narration on this sacred occasion. We are waiting for her clip to be published InshaAllah and then to share it here with her fellow members of the school🤞😊
پخش کلیپی به مناسبت سالروز ولادت امیرالمومنین علی علیه السلام، در خلال کلاس ها. امروز چهارشنبه 6 اسفند 99 Showing a short video in commemoration of the birthday anniversary of the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib a.s, during classes. Today Wednesday February 24, 2021.
حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
پخش کلیپی به مناسبت سالروز ولادت امیرالمومنین علی علیه السلام، در خلال کلاس ها. امروز چهارشنبه 6 اسفند 99 Showing a short video in commemoration of the birthday anniversary of the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib a.s, during classes. Today Wednesday February 24, 2021.
20 things you should know about Imam Ali a.s
❗️❗️❗️Sports Day Reminder❗️❗️❗️ We will be in school at sharp 8:30am. Tomorrow Morning Can't wait to see you
Bismillah Salaam Due to the latest conditions, the headquarters of combating Corona have once again banned any kind of gathering and any presence of sts in schools even for classes. Our sporty event is postponed for now untill we are allowed from the headquarters to gather again. For more information the morning shift is at your service to answer, so in case of any issues regarding this news, please contact us only in the morning. بسمه تعالی سلام با توجه به شرایط کنونی، ستاد مقابله با کرونا در قم هرگونه همایش و آموزش حضوری را ممنوع اعلام کرد. برای هرگونه پاسخگویی به سوالات شما عزیزان، در وقت اداری شیفت صبح در خدمت خواهیم بود. # شیفت_دختران
پخش کلیپی به مناسبت سالروز وفات (شهادت) حضرت زینب سلام الله علیها، در خلال کلاس ها. امروز شنبه 9 اسفند 99 Showing a short video in commemoration of the death (Martyrdom) anniversary of the Sayyeda Zainab a.s, during classes. Today Saturday February 27, 2021.
A short video clip about the story of our event.
پخش کلیپی به مناسبت سالروز شهادت امام هفتم امام کاظم علیه السلام، در خلال کلاس ها. امروز سه شنبه 19 اسفند 99 Showing a short video in commemoration of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Musa al-Kadhim a.s, during classes. Today Tuesday March 9, 2021.
حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
پخش کلیپی به مناسبت سالروز شهادت امام هفتم امام کاظم علیه السلام، در خلال کلاس ها. امروز سه شنبه 19 اسفند 99 Showing a short video in commemoration of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Musa al-Kadhim a.s, during classes. Today Tuesday March 9, 2021.