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Savior International Schools
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مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی ـ قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد آموزشی و پرورشی ۴۵ متری عمار یاسر کوچه ۵ بعد از امامزاده زید(ع) تلفن: +982537704544 همراه: +989366969796 www.saviorschools.com Instagram: savior_international Contact Admin: @saviorschool
مشاهده در ایتا
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
Oh my hope! When my heart's broken I feel not alone, Remind me of the mercy of your own. You are the beam of the Sun. Come to you… I'll tell you my misery and my pain It is your light falling down like the rain You are the sister of the Sun Oh Lady! I'm the servant of your family. Oh Lady! Take me to your shrine take me! Oh Lady! Stand by us in the hereafter! Oh Lady! You're the sister of all compassion. *Sister of The Sun* Provided by the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatima Masumeh (pbuh)
Condolences on demise anniversary of the spirit of nation , Imam Khomeini (ra). ▪ Imam Khomeini : Our aim is to preserve Islam and the Qur'an , not our worldly lives. Sahifeh - ye - Imam , Vol 1 , Page 281
Happy birth anniversary of Imam Ridha (A.S) to Imam mahdi and momenin. Poster created by Noor Al_Hussain Grade 5
Imam Jawad (A.S): Whoever visits my father’s grave in Toos (Mashhad), Allah will forgive his past and future sins. Dear parents: Savior International Schools intends to hold a tour to the holy city of Mashhad for the students during the summer. The trip will be in the first week of Murdad. The cost will be calculated and informed accordingly. we are going to reside in summer camp during our visit to Mashhad.  we will stay in Mashhad for 4 days and 3 nights. Interested students for more information and pre sign up send message to 0905 838 4004 till June 25.  مجتمع آموزشی بین المللی منجی در نظر دارد برای دانش آموزان در تابستان 1401 اردوی زیارتی تفریحی مشهد مقدس برگزار نماید . این اردو درهفته اول مرداد ماه به مدت 5 روز خواهد بود و هزینه اردو متعاقبا اعلام میگردد. محل اسکان دانش آموزان در مشهد در اردوگاه تابستانه خواهد بود. مدت اسکان در مشهد 4 روز و 3 شب است. علاقمندان جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر و پیش ثبت نام تا 1 تیر ماه به شماره مدرسه در واتساپ پیام ارسال نمایند. 0905 838 4004
Holding Ayyat Prayer in Savior International Schools Grade 7 to 12 برگزاری نماز آیات به جماعت در مدرسه منجی با حضور دانش آموزان کلاس های هفتم تا دوازدهم
حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
Accept our condolences on Martyrdom anniversary of lady Fatimah masumah (pbuh)
Monji school has hosted simple Iftar for 250 persons including all the students and teachers.
📌Bird Park 📌2 May 11:00 - 13:00 📌Grade 3_8 برگزاری اردوی تفریحی باغ پرندگان 12 اردیبهشت ساعت ۱۱ الی ۱۳ شیفت پسران
📌Cinema 📌30 April 11:00 - 13:00 📌Grade 1-3 برگزاری اردوی سینما 10 اردیبهشت ساعت ۱۱ الی ۱۳ دانش آموزان کلاس اول تا سوم شیفت پسران
Schools Mr. Dimaporo from Philippines showcasing history of Philippines. Our Islamic Studies teacher, Mr. Dimaporo from Philippines, led an exhibition commemorating the battle of “Padang Karbala”. This tragic massacre took place in 1902 against the Muslims of Philippines by American forces. Around 600 Muslims lost their lives. Mr. Dimaporo also brought traditional Filipino clothes, which were worn by the staff and students to celebrate Filipino culture.
Please note: Exam schedule for boys grade 7 to 12 has changed. This Wednesday will be IT exam and Saturday will be Physics exams. Thank you.