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Savior International Schools
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مشاهده در ایتا
🌺🌺🌺 Juz twenty quiz 1. And never would your Lord have destroyed the cities unless they are....(Clue, Surah Al-Qasas, verse 52 to 63) a. Wrongdoers b. Disbelievers c. None of them 2. The home of the Hereafter belongs to those who.....(Clue, Surah Al-Qasas, verse 80 to 85) a. Establish the prayer b. Do not desire exaltedness upon the earth c. Believe in Allah 3. According to Surah Al-Qasas, whose Dua is this? "My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need." a. Prophet Muhammad b. Prophet Moses c. Prophet Isa 4. The signs of the existence of Allah ﷻ are many and obvious, yet many people do not believe because: a. They are too busy and are in doubt about this reality b. They have no knowledge and are blinded about it c .They have decided to think about it one day Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) until 11 pm to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
🌺🌺🌺 Juz twenty one quiz 1. What is the difference between this world and hereafter? (Clue, Surah Al-Ankabut, verses 63 to 66) a. They are the same. b. This world is a part of reality and that world is the other. c. This world is only diversion and amusement and the other world is the whole eternal life. 2. Which one is about being Prophet Muhammad as an excellent model and pattern? a. Al-Ankabut verse 69 b. Luqman verse 4 c. Al- Ahzab verse 21 3. When Loqman was instructing his son, what did he call as a great injustice? (Clue, Surah Loqman , verses 5 to 14) a. Associate other gods with Allāh. b. Blasphemy c. Lying 4. Allah will guide those people who... (Clue, Surah Al-Ankabut, verse 60 to 69) a. Have patience b. strive for Allah. c. Trust in Allah Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
🌺🌺🌺 Juz Twenty two Quiz 1. What is Surah Saba, verse 28 about? a. prophecy of prophet Solomon b. Imamate of Imam Ali c. Prophecy of Holy prophet Mohammad 2. Whom does Allah curse in this world and Hereafter and prepare for them humiliating punishment? (Clue Sura Al-Ahzab, verses 51 to 58) a. Those who dont establish prayer b. Those who make fun of other people c. Those who abuse Allāh and His Messenger 3. Which Verse mentions that Nabi Mohammad is the last prophet and messanger of Allah? a. Al-Ahzab, verse 45 b. Al-Ahzab, verse 40 c. Saba, verse 25 4. Surah Ya-seen verse 11, the warning of the holy Messanger is usefull for those who.... a. listen to him b. have fear of Allah c. follow him and also have fear of Allah Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
🌙 When Justice of Imam Ali (A.S) Saves an Atheist from going astray. 🌺🌺🌺 The story of our dear student's parent conversion into Islam. @Saviorschools
🌙 Day twenty two's answers: ✅ C C B C ✅
1. What is answer of disbelievers when it is said to them, "Spend from that which Allāh has provided for you,"? (Clue, Surah Ya-sin, verses 28 to 48) a. We can not b. Should we feed one whom, if Allāh had willed, He would have fed? c. If we help them, then who will help us? 2. What is the straight path ? (Clue, Surah Ya-sin , verses 52 to 66) a. Moderation b. Worship Allah c. Fear of Allah 3. Which group of people believe that the creation of heaven and earth is aimless? (Clue, Surah Saad, verses 20 to 28) a. Unjust people b. Disbelievers c. Hypocrites 4. What is Surah Zumar, verse 8 about? a. Some people forget the blessing of Allah and set up rivals to Allah. b. Mankind is lazy and weak c. Both a and b
🌺Salam Alaykom dear girls of Savior🌺 So thrilled to announce the sport day to all ⚽️🏐🏓🏆🏈🏸 A super fun and exciting weekend of competition and friendship as well full of prizes for Winners🥇🥈🥉 All students from all grades are most welcomed to participate in the school sport day. ✅ Date: Thursday April 27th, 2023 at the School yard. ✅ Sports fields including: 1. Volleyball 2. Tug of War 3. Table Tennis 4. Dodge Ball 5. Foosball 6. Speed Running Match 📝 In order to participate you can register your names with the following ID on Eitaa: @Falahati13 Remember to wear sport shoes and suitable pants.👟👟👟
🌙 Day twenty three's answers: ✅ B B B C ✅
🌺🌺🌺 Juz Twenty four quiz 1. Which verse let us know Allah is aware of our breasts conceal? a. Surah Gafir, verse 19 b. Surah Gafir, verse 52 c. Surah Zumar, verse 44 2. What makes our worship and good deeds get worthless, and we would be among the losers?,( Clue Surah Zumar, verses 53 to 66) a. Being unjust to parents b. Lying c. Shirk (associate things with Allāh) 3. What will happen to those who disdain Allah's worship? a. They will be punished in this world b. They will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible.  c. They will gather them on the Day of Resurrection like ants. 4. Quran is a guidance and cure for.... a. those who like to listen to Quran. b. all of the people. c. those who believe in it. Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
🌙 Daily recitation of Quran, in the holy month of Ramadan
🌙 Day twenty four's answers: ✅ A C B C ✅
🌺🌺🌺 Juz Twenty five quiz 1. Who will be in a secure place?(clue, Surah Ad-Dukhan, verses 45 to 52) a. Prayers b. Believers c. Righteous 2. On Resurrection Day who will be enemies to each other? (Clue, Surah Zukhruf, verses 61 to 70) a. Close friends b. righteous c. Both a and b 3. Surah Al-Jathiyah verses 3 to 5 is related to... a. Prophecy b. The signs of creation c. Revelation of Quran 4. What did Allah command the holy prophet Muhammad? (Clue, Surah Ash-Shura, verse 14 to 16) a. To do justice among people b. To spend money on people c. To fight with them Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) until 10 pm to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
Monji school has hosted simple Iftar for 250 persons including all the students and teachers.
🌙 Twenty Fifth day's answers: ✅ C A B A ✅
🌺🌺🌺 Juz twenty six quiz 1. what is the outcome of supporting Allāh ? (Clue, Surah Mohammad, verses 1 to 8) a He will support you b. He will plant firmly your feet c. a and b 2. How Allah show that is so close to his slaves? ( Clue, Surah Qaf, verses 10 to 20) a. And we are aware of every thing b. We are closer to him than jugular vein c. We are inside of our slave's heart 3. Which verse is says that spy or backbiting is a great sin? a. Al-Hujurat, verse 6 b. Al-Hujurat, verse 11 c. Al-Hujurat, verse 12 4. What is the aim of creating mankind and jinn? (Clue, Surah Adh-Dhariyat, verses 55 to 58) a. To play b. To work and make money c. To worship Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) until 10 pm to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls