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Savior International Schools
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مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی ـ قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد آموزشی و پرورشی ۴۵ متری عمار یاسر کوچه ۵ بعد از امامزاده زید(ع) تلفن: +982537704544 همراه: +989366969796 www.saviorschools.com Instagram: savior_international Contact Admin: @saviorschool
مشاهده در ایتا
Congrats! See how awesome our KG children are?!! Today's KG Celebration for the 22nd of Bahman
Congratulations to the all members of Savior International Schools on the auspicious occasion of 44th anniversary of the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution and the commemoration of Imam Khomeini's memory and memories of the martyrs of the revolution and the holy defence, to follow the orders of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution.
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
Fajr decade is a ten-day celebration of Imam Khomeini’s return to Iran in 1979. The annual celebration is held between 1 and 11 February. Its beginning coincides with the date of Imam’s arrival and its ending with the Iranian Revolution; a day called Islamic Revolution’s Victory Day or 22 of Bahman. Dahe-ye Fajr marks the anniversary of the ten-day period between Imam's return to Iran (1 February) until the Iranian Revolution (22 Bahman; 11 February) in 1979.