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Ayatollah Khamenei says fighting against this despotic regime of Israel is fighting against oppression and terrorism, and this is a collective responsibility.
Children of Gaza In the heart of the Mediterranean, where the azure waves whisper tales of glorious civilizations past, lies Gaza. A resilient city, inhabited by souls as ancient as the sands that adorn its beaches, it's here that lives are intertwined with sorrow and patches of transient joy. Children are born with spirits as fierce as the wind that sweeps across its territories, but they are also born into an unsettling reality. Their innocent eyes witness skies not merely kissed by the sun and stars, but also darkened by smoke and shelling. In the narrow, time-worn alleys where laughter once echoed, the silence now looms heavy, broken only by sporadic sounds of gunshots and explosions. The air carries tales of loss; stories of children who, instead of holding toys and dreams, bear the weight of survival. Their little bodies, young yet oddly mature, navigate the uneven grounds dodging not just stones but bullets, too. The relentless blockade clutches the city in a merciless grip, strangling hope, and making each day a testament to survival and resistance. Hunger is a constant shadow in the lives of Gaza’s children. It haunts their bellies, leaving them writhing in pain, gasping for a morsel of sustenance. Markets that once overflowed with a spectrum of fruits, vegetables, and the rich smells of spices, now wear a look of deprivation. The children, with faces marked by malnourishment, seek comfort in the warm embrace of their mothers, who fight an unending battle against scarcity and despair Helping the people of Gaza is not just a charitable act, but a shared human responsibility. Their suffering echoes in the heart of humanity, reminding us that empathy and compassion should be the pillars that uphold our global society. Every form of aid, whether it be food, medicine, or a supportive word, makes a difference in lighting up the dark corners of their lives. Helping them is about allowing their voices to be heard, their pain to be acknowledged, and their dreams to be kept alive. It is about reaffirming our collective commitment to uphold the values of humanity and ensure that every person, every child, has a chance to live, dream, and flourish. It’s essential to lend a helping hand because, in their struggle, we find fragments of our shared human spirit. By helping, we do not just provide physical relief, but we also sprinkle seeds of hope and joy in their lives. It allows the people, especially the children, to believe in the goodness of the world and nurtures their dreams, empowering them to envision a horizon filled with possibilities and peace. Our support becomes a bridge, helping them cross the rivers of despair and reach the shores of hope and resilience. By Mahdi Musawi
The Statement of Savior International Schools on International Quds Day « In the Name of Allah » It has been close to six months since the reprehensible Zionist regime initiated its cruel and vicious attacks on innocent Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip. This onslaught has resulted in an unprecedented number of civilian casualties and heinous crimes against humanity. Tens of thousands of individuals have been killed or gone missing, while hundreds of thousands have been displaced and left homeless, the majority of whom are defenseless women and children. Despite the clear display of the barbaric and bloodthirsty nature of this regime to the world, the international community's lack of action and silence has allowed this regime to continue its genocide in Gaza, revealing its disregard for human rights. Even with the diminished direct support from Western countries like the United States, the leaders of this barbaric regime persist in their attacks on Gaza, using man-made famine as a tool to further oppress the innocent population. The images depicting the situation in Gaza have sparked outrage among people worldwide, shedding light on the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime against innocent Palestinian civilians. The severity of these acts has prompted some individuals in the West to speak out against them, while international organizations have recognized them as acts of racist genocide. Urgent action is needed to stop the ongoing atrocities in Gaza and protect the sanctity of Islamic holy sites, such as the Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is crucial for Muslims of all backgrounds to unite in defense of Gaza's people and pressure world leaders to end the violence, provide aid to the affected, and facilitate the return of displaced individuals. Let us all work together towards these goals, ensuring that no one remains inactive in the face of such injustice. We urge the people of Iran and Muslims worldwide to join the International Quds Day rallies to condemn the Zionist regime's actions. #🇮🇷🇵🇸