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Savior International Schools
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مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی ـ قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد آموزشی و پرورشی ۴۵ متری عمار یاسر کوچه ۵ بعد از امامزاده زید(ع) تلفن: +982537704544 همراه: +989366969796 www.saviorschools.com Instagram: savior_international Contact Admin: @saviorschool
مشاهده در ایتا
Parents Meeting Timetable.pdf
Asalamoalaikom! Respected parents of all students are hereby reminded of the first online parents' meeting(due to the Covid-19) tomorrow, Wed. September 16th, 2020. Consequently, we will be running an online session through LMS, for the morning shift at 9:00 a.m. We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this regard.
Salam Un Alaykom Dear Parents and Students 🌺 Anniversary of Lady Fatimeh Masoumeh's (AS) Arrival to Qom 🌺 On this blessed occasion, we are holding an online ceremony () on Monday November 9, 2020 ( Rabi al-Awwal 19, 1442). Time: 09:15 until 9:45 Lecturer: Mr. Alavian Recitation of Zyarat Hazrat Masoumeh s.a. Link: http://lms.saviorschools.com/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/view.php?id=6687
🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣 Dear sparents& students 🖋Hereby you are to be informed that According to the announcement those students who could win in the competitions should come to school to receive their prizes 🎁 after the COVID19 restrictions⛔️ legally⛔️ Competitions: 1️⃣ writing and drawing On the occasion of martyrdom anniversary of our holy Prophet PBUH: 👦🏻 Mohammad Mehdi Amari c Sayeda Miskat Ftima Naqvi 2️⃣ The Beginning of the Imamat of Imam Mahdi (AS )Quiz 👦🏻 Zaidali Naser Shahan Al-Yasiri Seyed Ali Reza Rizvi Mahdi Khedmati 🧕🏻 Mohaddesa ZAhra Saiyyad Sayyed Alviya Zahra Rizvi Aqil Batoo
Dear Parents & Students, This is to inform that the School (Girls Shift) won't be open on days from 14 to 21 of August, except on Monday 16th of August.It will resume the work on Sunday 22th of August. Savior International schools-Girls Shift قابل توجه والدین و دانش آموزان گرامی مدرسه (شیفت دختران) از 23 مرداد تا ۳۰ مرداد بسته است و تنها روز دوشنبه ۲۵ مرداد ماه باز خواهد بود. مدرسه آموزشی بین المللی منجی-شیفت دختران
Dear Parents & Students, This is to inform you that the School (Girls Shift) won't be open on days from 06 to 10 of August.It will resume the work on Saturday 13th of August. Savior International schools-Girls Shift قابل توجه والدین و دانش آموزان گرامی مدرسه (شیفت دختران) از ۱۵ ام مرداد تا ۱۹ مرداد بسته است و مدرسه از ۲۲ ام مرداد شروع به کار خواهد کرد. مدرسه آموزشی بین المللی منجی-شیفت دختران