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Savior International Schools
1.3هزار دنبال‌کننده
1.5هزار عکس
365 ویدیو
210 فایل
مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی(شعبه طاها) قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد تربیتی خیابان طالقانی(آذر) کوچه ۷۵ مدرسه منجی شعبه پسرانه طاها آموزش: 09058384004 پذیرش: 09058384005 www.saviorschools.com Contact Admin: @saviorschools2
مشاهده در ایتا
Condolences on the occasions of Fatemieh and the martyrdom anniversary of the Martyrs of assassination and Martys of Resistance General Qasim Sulaymani, General Abu Mahdi Almohandis, and their companions. On these sorrowful occasions, of is holding a ceremony on Saturday 2nd of January 2021. Time: 12:30 to 13:15 pm Date: Saturday 2nd of January, 2021 Programs: Recitation of "Ziyarat of Hazrat Fatima s.a." ‼️An interview-speech by "Dr. Hakimeh Biria"‼️ A nasheed by our beloved "students". Link in bio: https://lms.saviorschools.com/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/view.php?id=15066