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مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی ـ قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد آموزشی و پرورشی ۴۵ متری عمار یاسر کوچه ۵ بعد از امامزاده زید(ع) تلفن: +982537704544 همراه: +989366969796 www.saviorschools.com Instagram: savior_international Contact Admin: @saviorschool
مشاهده در ایتا
Teachers and Staff meeting on May 1,2024 _Teachers Day جلسه کادر و استاید در روز چهارشنبه ۱۲اردیبهشت ماه(روز معلم )
Exams Policy 2023-2024 1-Students must be present 15 minutes before the exam schedule. Failure to reach the exam room before the door closing may result in automatic disqualification. 2- Wearing uniform is mandatory during the exam session. 3-Every student is required to sit in a seat specified to him and any seating arrangements outside of this will result in automatic disqualification. 4- Any writing on the seats must be immediately notified to the supervisors. 5- Do not bring extra papers. Extra papers will be available during the exams. Be careful to write your name on extra papers and it will be stapled on the exam paper. 6- Do not bring water, food or other items that may distract others. 7- Using calculator depends on teacher’s consent. 8- Students are not allowed to bring any or digital devices (mobile phone, smart watch, etc.), books, notebooks, pamphlets or notes. If found, it will be considered cheating and it will result in a deduction of 20 marks for primary school. While for middle school and high school it will result a zero in that subject. 9- Placing any kind of mark on the exam paper for cheating purposes in primary school results in a deduction of 20 marks, while in middle school and primary school it leads to a zero in that subject. 10- Answering exam questions by looking at other students' exam papers or talking to them, using or attempting to use unauthorized materials such as books, notes, and other prohibited resources, or exchanging notes and similar methods, in the primary school, results in a deduction of 30 marks, in the middle school it leads to a mark of zero in that subject, and in the high school, it results in disqualification and earning a zero score in all exams of that term. 11- There are several actions that can result in receiving a score of zero in a particular subject. These actions include taking an exam paper out of the examination center, writing an exam paper for another student, using an exam paper written by another student, and participating in the exchange of answer sheets. In primary school, these actions will lead to a zero mark in that subject. In middle school, they will also result in a zero mark in that subject and general behavior mark. In high school, these actions will result in complete disqualification from the exams and receiving a zero mark in all subjects for that term. 12- Sending someone else in place of oneself to the exam session, disrupting the order of the session or the examination center, disclosing or using leaked exam questions, or participating in their disclosure, in the primary school, results in a zero in that subject and general behavior mark. In the middle school and high school, it leads to obtaining a zero in all subjects during that term, being deprived of all subsequent exams, and being reported to the appropriate judicial authorities. Education Department
Praying reward cards ceremony On May,14,2024 ,the students who had collected more praying reward cards were appreciated and awarded by their teachers and educational experts at school. جشن کارت امتیاز های نماز در روز ۲۶ اردیبهشت ماه، از دانش اموزانی که بیشترین کارت های امتیاز نماز را جمع اوری کرده بودند توسط معلمان و کارشناسان آموزشی قدردانی شد.
Exams announcement Dear parents & students, please be informed that the final term exams for all grades will not be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ( May 21st to 23rd) . The schedule for the cancelled exams will be announced soon. اطلاعیه امتحانات دانش اموزان و والدین محترم: امتحانات کلیه مقاطع تحصیلی در روز های سه شنبه، چهارشنبه و پنجشنبه ( ۱ تا ۳ خرداد) برگزار نخواهد شد. زمان امتحانات لغو شده در روزهای آینده اعلام خواهد شد.
Cancelled Exams Timetable.pdf
Taha school's cancelled exams timetable برنامه امتحانات معوقه مدرسه طاها
Interview reservation Dear parents, Salamun Alaikum Due to the large number of students and limited capacity for admission, the interview site of Taha School will be active for one day on Thursday, May 30th. Kindly visit the website below to reserve the interview for your children. Further reservations will be announced later inshallah. Https://portal.saviorschools.com/login For any registration inquiries, don't hesitate to contact the Admission Phone at 09058384005 or Etaa at @admissionsaviorboys. رزرو مصاحبه والدین محترم: سلام علیکم باتوجه به ظرفیت محدود مصاحبه و تعداد زیاد دانش آموزان، سایت مصاحبه مدرسه طاها به مدت یک روز مورخ پنجشنبه، دهم خرداد ماه فعال میگردد. لطفا جهت ثبت نام فرزندانتان به سایت ذیر مراجعه کنید و منتظر اطلاعیه های بعدی در خصوص ثبت نام باشید‌. Https://portal.saviorschools.com/login شماره تماس پذیرش مدرسه پسرانه: ۰۹۰۵۸۳۸۴۰۰۵ ایتا: @admissionsaviorboys 🔴در صورت هرگونه پرسش و ابهام با ما در تماس باشید.
International culture festival Savior School is dedicated to helping students cherish and preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity that nourishes and strengthens their personalities and nationalities. A memorable culture day on the last day of the school academic year 2023-2024 جشنواره بین المللی فرهنگ مدرسه منجی در تلاش است به دانش اموزان کمک کند تا تنوع قومیتی و فرهنگی خود را که شخصیت و ملیتشان را تغذیه میکند حفظ کنند و گرامی بدارند. یک روز به یاد ماندنی فرهنگ - آخرین روز مدرسه در سال تحصیلی 1403-1402
Transportation Service Dear parents, Salamun Alaikum According to the Ministry of Education, schools cannot contract with school transportation service providers in the upcoming academic year. The only means to reserve transportation service is the website below. The deadline for pre-registration for your children's transportation service is June 20th Please visit the website below: irtusepand.ir سرویس مدرسه والدین محترم، سلام علیکم بنابر اعلام وزارت آموزش پرورش انعقاد قرارداد مدارس با شرکتهای پیمانکاری سرویس مدارس در سال تحصیلی پیش رو ممنوع است. تنها راه رزرو سرویس از طریق سایت زیر می باشد. اخرین مهلت پیش ثبت نام سرویس فرزندانتان تا 31 خرداد ماه میباشد لطفا به سایت ذیل مراجعه فرمایید: irtusepand.ir
هدایت شده از Savior International Schools
Cancelled Exams Timetable.pdf
Taha school's cancelled exams timetable برنامه امتحانات معوقه مدرسه طاها
‼️School codes for transportation service registration: Taha Primery School: 80017577 Taha Middle School (7-9) : 80017578 Taha High School: 80017579 Kawsar Primary School: 80017580 Kawsar Middle School (7-9) : 80017581 Kawsar High School: 80017582 ‼️کد مدارس برای ثبت نام در سامانه سرویس مدارس: دبستان طاها: 80017577 راهنمایی طاها (7-9): 80017578 دبیرستان طاها: 80017579 دبستان کوثر: 80017580 راهنمایی کوثر (7-9): 80017581 دبیرستان کوثر: 80017582
Today, all IT exams will be held at 10:30. امتحان آی تی امروز به قوت خود باقیست و راس ساعت ۱۰:۳۰ برگزار می‌گردد.