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Savior International Schools
1.3هزار دنبال‌کننده
1.4هزار عکس
336 ویدیو
197 فایل
مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی ـ قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد آموزشی و پرورشی ۴۵ متری عمار یاسر کوچه ۵ بعد از امامزاده زید(ع) تلفن: +982537704544 همراه: +989366969796 www.saviorschools.com Instagram: savior_international Contact Admin: @saviorschool
مشاهده در ایتا
This is to inform all parents/guardians, admissions for the coming academic year 2021-2022 has been started. For information on pre-registration time, please refer to the following link: http://saviorschools.com/announcements/admissions-21-22.php Savior International School Network به اطلاع کلیه والدین و دانش آموزان محترم می رساند، پذیرش برای سال تحصیلی آینده 1401-1400آغاز شده است. برای اطلاع در مورد زمان پیش ثبت نام ، به لینک زیر مراجعه کنید: http://saviorschools.com/announcements/admissions-21-22.php مجتمع آموزشی بین المللی منجی
This is to inform all parents/guardians, that admission for the coming academic year 2022-2023 has been started for the present students of grades 1-12. For information on pre-registration time, please refer to the following link https://saviorschools.com/announcements/admissions-22-23.php Savior International Schools قابل توجه والدین گرامی، ثبت نام سال تحصیلی ۱۴۰۱-۱۴۰۲ برای کلاس های اول تا دوازدهم آغاز شده است . جهت پیش ثبت نام به لینک زیر مراجعه فرمائید https://saviorschools.com/announcements/admissions-22-23.php مدرسه بین المللی منجی
Respected parents and guardians, follow the below guideline regarding doing the pre-registration and reserving the interview time: 1) the students who have been studied here last year, refer to this link https://saviorschools.com/apply.php Next, click on Present students of school then enter your username and password after that choose an interview time and reserve it by paying the interview fees. 2) the students who are new, refer to this link https://saviorschools.com/admissions/ Then complete all the required fields (be careful about entering the phone number correctly, because in the next step you have to write the number which is sent to your phone) after that choose an interview time and reserve it by paying the interview fees. Savior International Schools