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Savior International Schools
1.3هزار دنبال‌کننده
1.4هزار عکس
344 ویدیو
203 فایل
مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی ـ قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد آموزشی و پرورشی ۴۵ متری عمار یاسر کوچه ۵ بعد از امامزاده زید(ع) تلفن: +982537704544 همراه: +989366969796 www.saviorschools.com Instagram: savior_international Contact Admin: @saviorschool
مشاهده در ایتا
🌈 Parents-Teachers Meeting was held💫 The second parents-teachers meeting of the evening shift was held with the presence of the respected parents and teachers. The program started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by brother Jafari. 🌸🌼🌸 Then Mr Jalilian, the Savior School's principal, after welcoming the honorable parents informed them of the efforts made by the school in order to make the school a better place for students including: 1. The successful and timely exams and distribution of report cards 2. Carrying out Repairs and construction works and securing the school's building. 3. Equipping the IT, chemistry, biology and physics labs. 4. Evaluating the teachers' methodology and skills of teaching in order to improve the school's education quality 5. Increasing and expanding religious and extracurricular programs like mourning procession on the death anniversary of Sayida Masoumah (sa), theatre and counseling. 6. Explaining about the school's days and students' presence during exams. 🌸🌼🌸
🌈 Parents-Teachers Meeting was held💫 After that the school's religious counselor, Sheikh Bahrani, explained about the measures parents should take to help their dear children succeed specially in their exams including: 1. No comparison. 2. Trying is important not the result. 3. Providing a peaceful environment at home 4. Nutritious food 🌸🌼🌸 Then he explained about the Quran Competition which is going to be held during the next week and ended his speech by telling the respected parents about the school's counselor, Hujjat-ul-Islam Zaidi, and how to arrange an appointment.
🌈 Parents-Teachers Meeting was held💫 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saviorschool14?r=nametag
🌈 Parents-Teachers Meeting was held💫 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saviorschool14?r=nametag
پسران مجدد نظرسنجی الزامی به اطلاع والدین و دانش‌آموزانی که در نظر سنجی الزامی روز دوشنبه شرکت ننمودند، می رساند که آخرین فرصت جهت شرکت در نظر سنجی روز شنبه ۲۰ اردبیهشت ماه ۱۳۹۹ (برابر با ۹ می ۲۰۲۰) ساعت ۱۴:۰۰ تا ۱۶:۰۰ بعد از ظهر می باشد. مدت زمان نظر سنجی ۳۰ دقیقه است. در صورت عدم شرکت در این نظر سنجی نمره منفی لحاظ می گردد. در صورت هرگونه سوال با معاونت IT مدرسه به شماره 37704544 و یا آیدی های ذیل در پیامرسان سروش ارتباط بر قرار نمایید. آقای سید محمدی @sm1313 آقای اسدی @mahdi_asadi1225 http://saviorschools.com/ Shift chance for those who have not attended the mandatory poll Dear Parents and Students of Savior International Schools The students who could not participate in the mandatory poll are given a second chance to attend the poll. Poll time: Saturday, May 9, 2020 (20th Ordibehesht 1399) from 14:00 to 16:00 in the afternoon. Duration: 30 Minutes. Note: Non-participation in the poll will have a negative impact on your marks. Do not hesitate to ask IT department manager any question. Tel. 37704544 Soroush IDs: Mr Mohammadi: @sm1313 Mr Asadi: @mahdi_asadi1225 http://saviorschools.com/