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Savior International Schools(Taha)
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مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی(شعبه طاها) قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد تربیتی خیابان طالقانی(آذر) کوچه ۷۵ مدرسه منجی شعبه پسرانه طاها آموزش: 09058384004 پذیرش: 09058384005 www.saviorschools.com Contact Admin: @saviorschools2
مشاهده در ایتا
Monji school has hosted simple Iftar for 250 persons including all the students and teachers.
🌙 Twenty Fifth day's answers: ✅ C A B A ✅
🌺🌺🌺 Juz twenty six quiz 1. what is the outcome of supporting Allāh ? (Clue, Surah Mohammad, verses 1 to 8) a He will support you b. He will plant firmly your feet c. a and b 2. How Allah show that is so close to his slaves? ( Clue, Surah Qaf, verses 10 to 20) a. And we are aware of every thing b. We are closer to him than jugular vein c. We are inside of our slave's heart 3. Which verse is says that spy or backbiting is a great sin? a. Al-Hujurat, verse 6 b. Al-Hujurat, verse 11 c. Al-Hujurat, verse 12 4. What is the aim of creating mankind and jinn? (Clue, Surah Adh-Dhariyat, verses 55 to 58) a. To play b. To work and make money c. To worship Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) until 10 pm to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
Dear Parents, Salaam Alaikum 🌱As you know, the IFTAR ceremony is tomorrow, Ramadan 28(April 19) in Imamzadeh Hamzah Shrine, next to the school. It will be from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. 🌱The parents of the students who have registered for the ceremony are supposed to drop in and drop them off in time. 🌱The students need to have some necessary items like spoon, fork and a cup with them. 🌱Ps. If anyone likes to participate in holding this holy ceremony, they can go through it by donating throughout this card number and let us be informed about it. 6037991920152414 حکیم زاده تقبل الله منا و منکم صالح الاعمال
🌙 Twenty Sixth day's answers: ✅ C B C C ✅
🌺🌺🌺 Juz Twenty Seven quiz 1. Who are the supporters of truth?( Clue, Surah Al-Hadid, verse 12 to 20) a. Those who do Jihad b. Those who have believed in Allāh and His messengers c. None of them 2. Allah want his prophet to turn away from whoever...(Clue, Surah An-Najm, verses 27 to 37) a turns his back on Our message b. desires not except the worldly life c. a and b 3. What is Surah An-Najim verse 27 about? a. Prophet Ibrahim's being faithful b. Prophet Ibrahim's being friend to Allah c. Prophet Ibrahim's being Imam 4. Which group if people have two gardens? (Clue, Surah Ar-Rahman, verses 42 to 48) a. Those who has feared the position of Allah b. Those who establish prayer c. a and b Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
Dear Parents and Students, Salaam alaykum, In the file above, you can see the timetable of "Second End-Term" examinations (Oral and written). ✅ The Oral and Practical exams are scheduled for the first week of the exams (May 9th to May 15th). ✅ For primary students the exams will start at 10:30 A.M. ✅ For middle and high school students the exams will start at 8:00 A.M. ✅ The total mark of each exam will be 70. ✅ The classes will not be held during the exams. ✅ All the students are required to be present at the exam session at least 15 minutes before the exam. ✅ Students are not allowed to bring books or any kind of unnecessary items with themselves. ‼️please check the dates and the subjects carefully. Thanks, Education Department Savior International Schools والدین و دانش آموزان عزیز، در فایل بالا شما می توانید برنامه ی امتحانات ترم دوم دانش آموزان را ملاحظه نمایید. ✅ امتحانات شفاهی و عملی دانش آموزان در هفته‌ی اول امتحانات (۱۹ تا ۲۵ اردیبهشت ماه) برگزار خواهد شد. ✅ نمره کامل هر امتحان از ۷۰ محاسبه می شود. ✅ در ایام امتحانات کلاس ها برگزار نمی‌شوند. ✅ امتحانات مقطع متوسطه اول و دوم (پایه های ۷ تا ۱۲) راس ساعت ۸:۰۰ آغاز می‌شود ✅ امتحانات مقطع ابتدایی (پایه های ۱ تا ۶) رأس ساعت ۱۰:۳۰ آغاز می شود. ✅ دانش آموزان موظف اند حداقل ۱۵ دقیقه قبل از شروع امتحانات در جلسه‌ی امتحان حاضر باشند. ✅ به همراه آوردن کتاب و یا هر وسیله‌ی غیر ضروری به جلسه‌ی امتحان ممنوع می‌باشد. ‼️ لطفا تاریخ دقیق امتحانات را از برنامه امتحانات چک کنید‌‌. با تشکر، دپارتمان آموزش مجتمع آموزشی بین المللی منجی _ شیفت دختران
🌺🌺🌺 Juz Twenty Nine quiz 1.  Allah created death and life to... (Clue, Surah Al-Mulk, verse 1 to 5) a. Invite more people to do deeds b. Test people as to which of them is best in doing deed c. Test people to check who is doing best deed more 2. What is Allah's respond against the deniers ? (Clue, Surah Al-Qalam, verses 40 to 48) a. Punish them b. Lead them to astray c. will progressively lead them to punishment 3. Which one is correct?(Clue, Surah Al-Haqqah, verses 1 to 18) a. The throne of Allah is carried by Eight angles b. Quran is advice for believers c. Thamūd and ʿAad never denied the Striking Calamity 4. What is emphasized and repeated in Surah Al-Mursalat? a. Woe, that Day, to the deniers b. Woe to the hypocrites c. Woe to the disbelievers Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
🌺🌺🌺 Juz Thirty quiz 1.  Who is the commander in Judgement Day? (Clue, Surah Al-Infitar) a. Only Allāh b. Allāh and angles c. Allāh and Imams 2. According to Surah Al-Ala, who has certainly succeeded? a. A person who mentions the name of his Lord and prays.  b. The one who purifies himself  c. a and b 3. When Judgement Day comes and mankind remembers his deeds he says ....(Clue, Surah Al-Fajr) a. wish I had sent ahead [some good] for my life. b. Woe to me, Quran was right and true c. He is speechless. 4. Allah will ease him toward ease. who is that? (Clue, Surah Al-Layl) a. A person who gives and fears of Allah b. Whoever believes in the best reward c. a and b Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
Dear parents and students: Hereby it is to be informed that you can take interview appointments by using the guardian's cellphone number as "ID"and the last 4 digits of cellphone number as "password" in https//:admissions.saviorschools.com Savior International Schools قابل توجه والدین و دانش آموزان گرامی: بدینوسیله به اطلاع می رساند والدین و دانش آموزان می توانند برای انتخاب زمان مصاحبه با استفاده از شماره تلفن همراه سرپرست بعنوان"نام کاربری" و ۴رقم آخر شماره تلفن همراه بعنوان"رمز عبور" در وبگاه مجتمع به آدرس: https//:admissions.saviorschools.com وارد شده و نسبت به انتخاب زمان مصاحبه اقدام نمایند. مجتمع تربیتی بین‌المللی منجی