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✳️ بررسی،شناسایی ومعرفی 🔹جریانها 🔹مراکز علمی،پژوهشی وتخصصی 🔹شخصیتهای متخصص وصاحبنظر 🔹منابع ومحتواهای موجود 🔹نشست وکنفرانسها درحوزه مطالعات شیعه پژوهی واسلام شناسی ✳️ارتباط با مدیر @ebnosiam مؤسسه بین المللی ترنم صلح @Thrillofpeace @allah4all
مشاهده در ایتا
Call for Abstracts Islamic studies refers to the academic study of Islam and Muslims and as such has become an independent academic discipline. In an academic study of Islam, Islam is understood as a religion connected to the idea of belief system or belief about abstract things that shapes human behaviour known as religious action. In this conceptualisation of Islam as a religion it is acknowledged that Islam contributes significantly to shaping the behaviours of Muslims in society. People from different religious and ideological backgrounds and Muslims themselves seek to study Islam which is interpreted and practised by its followers in a variety of ways in order to gain a better understanding and even appreciation of this important world religion that shares its tradition in a fundamental way with Christianity and Judaism. Understanding this aspect of Islam takes scholars and students to examining the pattern of Muslim everyday living particularly through higher learning and academic analysis making Islamic studies an investigation of both Islam and its adherents. To this end, this conference seeks to examine Islam and its adherents in detail in an attempt to provide deep and comprehensive explanation of Islam as a lived tradition and Muslims as a diverse and forever growing community. Those who study Islam and Muslims often do so from different disciplinary or theoretical perspectives making Islamic studies a multidisciplinary academic program. Under Islamic studies scholars and students examine a wide range of topics including pre-Islamic milieu commonly called the period of jahiliyyah, Islamic civilization, Islamic history and historiography, shari’ah (Islamic law) and fiqh (jurisprudence), kalam (Islamic theology), Sufism (mysticism), Arabic, Islamic philosophy, Islamic scriptures (Qur’an and Hadiths), and tafsir (Qur’anic exegesis). Many contemporary scholars and students who work in the area of Islamic studies have adopted analytical tools and methods in their investigative endeavours usually used in humanities such as philosophy and social sciences such as anthropology and sociology. The 3rd Postgraduate Islamic Studies International Conference seeks to examine the inner complexities of Islam as a complete way of life and its variety of rituals, practices, and teachings embedded in the pattern of Muslim everyday living using modern academic tools, scientific research methods, and theoretical frameworks. It is designed to foster and disseminate ongoing and new research about Islam and Muslims in national and international contexts. The terms “Islam” and “Muslim” are defined broadly. By “Islam” we mean prescription of a way of life however differently interpreted originating from Islamic scriptures – Qur’an and Hadiths. By “Muslim” we mean any Muslim individuals, institutions, communities, and societies who subscribe to Islam. We seek to draw paper proposals by student researchers from across fields and disciplines (e.g., Islamic studies, Middle East studies, Islamic education, history, political science, public affairs, international relations, anthropology, and sociology) in formal and non-formal, governmental and non-governmental, community, and academic sectors. 👇👇👇
مطالعات شیعه در غرب
Call for Abstracts Islamic studies refers to the academic study of Islam and Muslims and as such ha
👆👆👆 Key themes of the conference include: Jahiliyyah Muslim Empires Origins and Development of Islamic Civilisation Qur’an and Hadith Shari’ah Fiqh Islamic Education Islamic Psychology Women in Islam Sufism Muslim Migration Islam in the West Islam and the Media A 300-word paper proposal is due no later than Monday 9th October, 2024. A review team will use the following criteria in their proposal review: relevance of the topic to the Conference; theory/context clearly articulated; methodology and methods of inquiry explained; findings identified, and contribution to the field or discipline clearly explained. Accepted paper proposals will be notified by Monday 1st November, 2024. A panel of reviewers for conference paper presentations will be set up who will choose a set of best papers at the December 2024 Conference.  Individuals whose papers will be chosen by the panel will be expected to ready their papers into publishable manuscripts for a Q1 journal which will be announced later. Upon timely submission to a Q1 journal and an initial successful review by the Guest Editor, the manuscripts will be sent for blind peer review. More information on this will be provided closer to the event. Please submit your 300-word paper proposal along with a 150-word biography. For questions, please email: jan.Ali@westernsydney.edu.au mansari@csu.edu.au Key Dates Call for abstracts open: 9th of September 2024 Deadline for abstract submissions: 9th of October 2024 Speakers notified of abstract acceptances: 1st of November 2024 Registration opens 18th of October: 2024 Conference registration closes: 28th of November 2024 Conference: 9th of December 2024 Call for Abstracts Form مرجع تخصصی @studiesofshia
@Allah4all ❇️ فهرست کدهای افزودنی‌ غذایی حلال 🔹دسته بندی، توضیحات و نتیجه بررسی افزودنی‌های خوراکی سری E: 👉 https://izhamburg.com/e-nummern 🔴🚫 کدهای زیر به علت اینکه از استخوان یا موی خوک و امثال آن به‌دست می‌آیند، حرام هستند: ⛔️ E 441 ⛔️ E 542 ⛔️ E 920 ⛔️ E 921 🔸حلال بودن برخی کدها مثل E120 و E471 همانند ماده stremsel در پنیر، مشروط به قید غیرحیوانی (میکروبیل یا گیاهی) بودن آنهاست... مرجع تخصصی محتواهای @Allah4all
@studiesofshia ❇️ فراخوان مقاله برای ششمین کنفرانس سالانۀ «فلسفۀ اسلامی» ❇️ Sixth Annual Islamic Philosophy Conference 🔹زمان: 16 تا 18 آذر شیوۀ برگزاری: هایبرید (حضوری و مجازی)- دانشگاه هاروارد، آمریکا 🔹December 6-8, 2024 – Harvard University 🔸این کنفرانس از مقالات مربوط به فلسفۀ اسلامی، کلام اسلامی و اصول فقه استقبال می کند و به طور خاص، به مقالات مرتبط به شیوه های سنّتی مربوط به تدریس این رشته ها در کشورهای مختلف علاقمند است. 🔺مهلت ارسال چکیده: 24 آبان More information مرجع تخصصی @studiesofshia
مطالعات شیعه در غرب
#معرفی_کنفرانس @studiesofshia ❇️ فراخوان مقاله برای ششمین کنفرانس سالانۀ «فلسفۀ اسلامی» ❇️ Sixth A
Conference was initiated at Harvard University (April 2019) with participants coming from around the globe to present papers and engage in discussion over two days. The conferences are open to all interested scholars working on Islamic Philosophy and Theology. In addition to a general call for papers, conferences will include specialized panels organized by theme from 2023 to 2025. We invite submissions of academic studies of scholars, methods, institutions, texts, and topics typically considered within the domain of philosophy, as well as those that treat kalam-theology, Islamic legal philosophy (usul al-fiqh), or other intellectual trends that at times may be seen as distinct from philosophy. Papers may be within specific disciplines (Philosophy, Islamic Theology, Religious Studies, etc.) or may be interdisciplinary. Active engagement with contemporary issues via the methods of various forms of Islamic philosophy is also welcomed and encouraged. It will be a hybrid conference, with some papers presented online via Zoom, and some in person on the Harvard campus. Paper Proposals for the 6th Annual Islamic Philosophy Conference, December 6-8, 2024 Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words--excluding bibliography--by October 15, 2024. [Late submissions may be considered if time permits.] Submit to Abstract مرجع تخصصی @studiesofshia
18.77M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
@Allah4all ❇️ اسلام در دنیای دیجیتال؛ موضوعی که ۴ میلیون یورو خرج روی دست اتحادیه اروپا گذاشت! ما شاهد ظهور چیزی هستیم که از جنبه‌های بسیار مهم اساساً یک دین جدید است. دیجیتالی‌شدن و جهانی‌شدن نه تنها بر عملکردها و سازمان‌های اجتماعی و سیاسی، بلکه بر باورها و اعمال مذهبی نیز تأثیر گذاشته است. این رویکرد جدید، یادآور تأثیر دستگاه چاپ بر کلیسای کاتولیک در قرن شانزدهم و نقش آن در جنبش اصلاحات است. تأثیر نوآوری‌های تکنولوژیک امروزی بر توسعه اسلام مستلزم ارزیابی فوری است. 💫این توضیح گرنتی است که شبکه آموزش نوآورانه(ITN) اتحادیه اروپا، برای اعطای بورسیه دکتری مکانیسم‌های ارتباطات اسلامی در عصر دیجیتال قرار داده بود. اسلام در میانۀ عصر دیجیتال Mediating Islam in the Digital Age(MIDA)، نام این گرنت بین‎رشته‎ای است. ادامه مطلب مرجع تخصصی محتواهای @Allah4all
@studiesofshia ❇️ نوکیشان مسلمان در بریتانیا و فراتر از آن: گذارها و تحولات ❇️ Muslim Converts in Britain and Beyond: Transitions and Transformations 🔹20 دی ماه 1403، دانشگاه کاردیف، بریتانیا Date: January 09, 2025 Venue: Cardiff University, United Kingdom 🔸مهلت ارسال چکیده: 10 آبان 1403 Abstract Submission Deadline: October 31, 2024 More information مرجع تخصصی @studiesofshia
مطالعات شیعه در غرب
#فراخوان_مقاله @studiesofshia ❇️ نوکیشان مسلمان در بریتانیا و فراتر از آن: گذارها و تحولات ❇️ Musl
The Islam-UK Centre, Cardiff University & MBRN (Muslims in Britain Research Network) invite submissions for academic papers and professional contributions to a one-day conference about Muslim converts in Europe. This interdisciplinary conference is open to academic scholars, non-academic professionals and practitioners, and members of religious communities. Conference Themes We welcome contributions related to the following (non-exhaustive list of) themes: Leadership and changemaking among Muslim converts Second or third generation of converts Intercultural integration Conversion and Islamophobia Conversion and social activism Converts’ politics Converts and (changing) religious authority Converts’ long-term spiritual journeys Evolved convert organisations Gender ‘Race’, ethnicity and other dimensions of converts’ diversity (Media) narratives on conversion Conversion and da‘wah cultures Other themes relevant to the conference questions Submission guidelines Please submit your abstract or description of your 15-minute presentation (300 words) addressing one or more of the conference questions, along with a short bio (50 words) using this online form: https://forms.office.com/e/bwKkwzHqDB This call for papers will close on 31st October 2024. You will be notified of acceptance by mid-November 2024. مرجع تخصصی @studiesofshia
@studiesofshia ❇️ یازدهمین کنفرانس IDHN: روش‌های دیجیتال در مطالعات اسلامی و زبان‌شناسی ❇️ 11th IDHN Conference: Digital Methods in Islamicate Studies and Linguistics 🔹زمان: 21 نوامبر و بصورت آنلاین خواهد بود. 🔹Date:November 21, 2024 🔹Venue:Online 🔸مهلت ارسال چکیده: 11 اکتبر 2024 Abstract Submission Deadline:October 11, 2024 More information مرجع تخصصی @studiesofshia
مطالعات شیعه در غرب
#فراخوان_مقاله @studiesofshia ❇️ یازدهمین کنفرانس IDHN: روش‌های دیجیتال در مطالعات اسلامی و زبان‌ش
Upcoming: 11th IDHN Conference on Thursday, November 21, 2024 If you wish to participate in the conference, please send an email to team@idhn.org with a preliminary title, abstract (150-300 words), and your academic affiliation by Friday, October 11, 2024. General info: The IDH Network holds a spring conference in April/May, a fall conference in October/November every year and occasional conferences dedicated to special topics. These conferences will be held online on ZOOM (an account is not necessary). IDHN members will receive an invitation with the access code and link in the network’s newsletter. Guests can request an access code by sending an e-mail to registration@idhn.org. In these conferences, our attendees will be able to share and discuss their research with the network. Presentations are typically 20 minutes with an extra 10 minutes for questions and discussion. We encourage contributions from both members and guests developing or employing digital methods in their research within the Islamicate Studies and Linguistics. If you wish to contribute, please contact us at team@idhn.org. We welcome submissions from those in Graduate School or beyond. مرجع تخصصی @studiesofshia
@studiesofshia ❇️ موقعیت دکترا در مطالعات اسلامی/خاورمیانه One PhD position in Islamic/Middle Eastern Studies گروه انسان شناسی اجتماعی و مطالعات فرهنگی (SACS)، دانشگاه برن، سوئیس The Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies (SACS), University of Bern, Switzerland مهلت درخواست: 15 اکتبر 2024 Application Deadline: October 15, 2024 More information مرجع تخصصی @studiesofshia
@studiesofshia قرآن و جهان ترک: زمینه و تفسیر The Qur’ān and the Turkic World: Context and Interpretation تاریخ: 5 فوریه 2025, آنلاین Date: February 5, 2025 Venue: Online آخرین مهلت ارسال چکیده: 15 اکتبر 2024 Abstract Submission Deadline: October 15, 2024 More information مرجع تخصصی @studiesofshia