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اینجا مهارت های زبان تو تقویت کن🤩 هشتگ ها"🧡↶ https://eitaa.com/English_4U/14914 ارتباط با مدیر"❤️↶ @daddymustafa تبادل و تبلیغ"💛↶ @allears گروه چت"💙↶ https://eitaa.com/joinchat/3765043281C1f70b55b1b
مشاهده در ایتا
•(hello :> ) ی روش صبح‌بخیر گفتن مخصوص مامانا. ؛) 🍳Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey. 🍞اگه می‌خواید کسی رو برای صبحونه بیدار کنید، اینجوری صداش کنید. ⚠️PS: But it doesn't work for all! پ.ن: البته فکر نکنم برای همه جواب بده، به شخصه باید تو گوشم داد بزنن تا بیدار شم.🦦 _PS=Postscript ----> پ.ن=پی‌نوشت بماند که ی دوران تباهی فکر می‌کردم پ.ن همون پ‌ن‌پ عه که ناقص نوشته شده.♿️😂 🔆 @English_4u 🔆
┄┅═┅⊱❁ QUIZ TIME ❁⊰┅═┅┄ ↫ کوییز بزن🧠 لینک شناور👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/p4bgn5?eitaafly لینک👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/p4bgn5 ┄┄┉┉═⊹◂⊰ ❁ ⊱▸⊹═┉┉┄┄ ¦⇢ ¦⇢ ¦⇢   ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ╔═⊱❁✾⊰══════╗        @English_4U ╚══════⊱✾❁⊰═╝
•(hi...) Fingers crossed for all who have entrance exams.🤞🏻 با آرزوی موفقیت برای همه اونایی که کنکور دارن. ⚡️Fingers crossed ⚡️آرزوی موفقیت کردن 💢این ایموجی(🤞🏻) به همین معنی عه! انگشتان ضربدری رو می تونید به کسی نشون بدید و با این حرکت براش آرزوی موفقیت کنید! حالا ام نفری یکی ی دونه صلوات برای کنکوریا بفرستیم، نه؟🌿 Join us! 🪄 @English_4u
Hello everyone! Ready to add some new to your daily English vocabulary? 😀
1 ____ To Set someone/sth Apart وقتی میخوای کسی رو به خاطر یه ویژگی خاص از بقیه جدا کنی و بگی که فلان ویژگی مثلا معلم منو از بقیه معلما متمایز میکنه متفاوت میکنه برجسته میکنه از این Phrasal_verb# استفاده میکنی Example : The way she sees the world is what sets her apart from others. چیزی که اونو از بقیه متمایز میکنه، نوع نگاهش به جهانه... Her good humor sets her apart from other family members. شوخ طبعیش، اونو از بقیه اعضای خانوادش متمایز میکنه ____ @English_4U 📓
2 _ یه جمله از مایکل فیلیپس هست : "Everybody does things when they want to do it.. But not everyone does when they are not willing to do it.. That separates good from great.." همه وقتی میلشون بکشه کاری رو انجام بدن، انجام میدن (منظورش کاریه که واسه رسیدن به یه هدف خاصی انجام میدیم.) اما وقتایی که حسش نیست،کمتر کسی میره سراغ اون کار واین چیزیه که خوب رو از عالی جدا میکنه [پس میتونیم بگیم وجه تمایز خوب و عالی اینه که عالی در هر شرایطی به هدفش متعهده و پا پس نمیکشه] _ میشد اینطوری هم بگه That sets great apart from good دوتاشون یه معنی رو میدن و یجورایی مترادف[synonym] هم هستن ____ @English_4U 🤎
What do you think sets you apart from others?👇🏻 https://daigo.ir/pm/qiGgJN
Happy Learning! 🐣
Well done👏🏻 I look forward to hearing more from you 😊
Glad you shared your answer with us. Great use of some phrasal verbs and phrases. Very well done! Wishing you all the best 🌿
♡ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِی جَعَلَنَا مِنَ الْمُتَمَسِّکِینَ بِوِلاَیَهِ أَمِیرِ الْمُؤْمِنِینَ وَ الْأَئِمَّهِ عَلَیْهِمُ السَّلاَمُ ♡ Happy Eid.🕊 🎈 @English_4u
It was the last year of the Prophet Muhammad’s [PBUH] life. It was the 18th day of the holy month of Dhu al-Hijjah. The Prophet [PBUH] with nearly 120,000 Muslims was returning from Mecca after Hajj. They arrived at Ghadir Khumm, a place midway between Mecca and Madina. It was a crossroads from where people would go in different directions to return home. Suddenly the Holy Prophet [PBUH] received a message from Allah through the angel Jibra’il which he immediately conveyed to the Muslims: “Oh Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message." (Holy Quran; 5:67)
The Holy Prophet said: “I am in the last days of my life. God has ordered me to tell you that after me, Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS), and after Ali, 11 individuals from his progeny, will be your guardians and my successors. Obey them, help them and do not act against them. Then the Prophet [PBUH] asked all those present to give this important message to those that were absent, and parents to tell their children, generation after generation.
So, the Prophet [PBUH] ordered the caravan to stop. Those who had gone ahead came back and those who were following behind came forward. After performing noon prayer, the Prophet [PBUH] made a speech which became famous as Ghadir Sermon. In that speech, the Prophet [PBUH] introduced 12 successors and specified whoever is looking for salvation and guidance and happiness must follow those 12 leaders who were chosen by God as successors to His last Prophet.
But a man called Harith ibn Nu’man angrily asked the Prophet: “You say Ali is the Master of whom I am Master”. Is this order from you or from Allah?" "From Allah Who is the Only God" the Holy Prophet answered. On hearing this, Harith rudely said: "O Allah! If this order is from You, then fling on us a stone from the sky” He had not yet reached his camel when a stone fell from the sky on his head and he dropped dead! Then these verses were revealed: “A supplicant asked for a punishment bound to happen To the disbelievers, of it there is no preventer.” (Holy Quran, 70:1, 2) a.s. ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
┄┅═┅⊱❁ QUIZ TIME ❁⊰┅═┅┄ ↫ کوییز بزن🧠 لینک شناور👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/mvy4a?eitaafly لینک👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/mvy4a ┄┄┉┉═⊹◂⊰ ❁ ⊱▸⊹═┉┉┄┄ ¦⇢ ¦⇢ ¦⇢   ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ╔═⊱❁✾⊰══════╗        @English_4U ╚══════⊱✾❁⊰═╝
The Crown 👑 _M R James با داستانِ "تاجِ پادشاهی" با ما همراه باشید! @English_4u
Coming soon! 🔊