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Savior International Schools
1.3هزار دنبال‌کننده
1.3هزار عکس
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مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی ـ قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد آموزشی و پرورشی ۴۵ متری عمار یاسر کوچه ۵ بعد از امامزاده زید(ع) تلفن: +982537704544 همراه: +989366969796 www.saviorschools.com Instagram: savior_international Contact Admin: @saviorschool
مشاهده در ایتا
Assalamu Alaykum For present and new students who were not able to reserve interview for the new academic year (2022-2023) for any reason are now advised to do so as soon as possible. Interviews are opened for both brothers and sisters branch, and for both present and new students from Saturday 30th of July to Wednesday 3rd of August. Parents/Guardians may reserve interview slots by following the steps announced previously in the official school channels, or by visiting https://saviorschools.com/apply.php Please note that some classes are about to reach capacity, and we urge all parents/guardians to be swift with regard to their child/children's admissions. Additionally, it is highly unlikely that we may further extend the time for interview reservations. The next opportunity for interview reservation is until September, on the condition that the classes are not full. Thank you for your attention. For more information please contact Admissions through the following numbers: +989058384002 +982537704544
Salamun Alaykum Due to recent upgrades and changes in the school’s infrastructure, the school has updated each department’s official contact number to the following: 1. Admissions: +989058384002 (Enrollment, interviews, document submissions, ...) 2. Girls’ shift: +989058384003 (Educational issues for girls and KGs) 3. Boys’ shift: +989058384004 (Educational issues for boys) 4. Executive Affairs: +989058384005 (Books, Uniforms, Transportation, …) These changes are effective from today, and the previous numbers are out of order. We kindly request that the respective departments are contacted only through the abovementioned numbers. . . سلام علیکم در پی ایجاد تغییرات زیرساختی اخیر و برای تسهیل ارتباط با مجموعه، مجتمع آموزشی بین المللی منجی راههای ارتباطی خود را بروزرسانی کرده است. از همین رو اطلاعات تماس جدید واحدهای مختلف مجتمع به شرح ذیل تقدیم میگردد: 1. واحد پذیرش 09058384002 (امور مربوط به ثبت نام، مصاحبه، تحویل مدارک و ...) 2. شیفت دختران 09058384003 (امور آموزشی و تربیتی مربوط به دختران و پیش دبستانی) 3. شیفت پسران 09058384004 (امور آموزشی و تربیتی مربوط به پسران) 4. واحد اجرایی 09058384005 (امور مربوط به کتاب، لباس فرم، سرویس و ...) . لازم به ذکر است که تغییرات فوق از امروز اعمال شده و شماره تماسهای گذشته این واحدها از این پس در دسترس نخواهند بود لذا خواهشمندیم که تغییرات فوق را در اطلاعات تماس و مخاطبین خود ذخیره نموده و از این پس تنها از طریق راههای رسمی ذکرشده با واحدهای مدنظر در ارتباط باشید.
Due to reopening of the schools, we'd like to inform the parents of those students who haven't yet completed their registration that they are not supposed to attend the school on Saturday. You are kindly asked to complete your registration ASAP. Savior International Schools باتوجه به بازگشایی مدارس، به اطلاع والدین گرامی میرساند، دانش آموزانی که ثبت نام آنها قطعی نشده است نمیتوانند روز شنبه در کلاس ها حضور پیدا کنند از همین رو خواهشمندیم که برای تکمیل ثبت نام فرزندانتان هرچه سریع تر اقدام فرمائید. مدرسه بین المللی منجی
For present and new students who were not able to reserve interview for the new academic year (2023-2024) for any reason are now advised to do so as soon as possible. Interviews are opened for both present and new students from Saturday 30th of September to Monday 2nd of October. Parents/Guardians may reserve interview slots by following the steps announced previously in the official school channels, or by visiting https://admissions.saviorschools.com Please note that some classes are about to reach capacity, and we urge all parents/guardians to be swift with regard to their child/children's admissions. For more information please contact Admissions through the following number: +989058384002 Savior International Schools