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Savior International Schools
1.3هزار دنبال‌کننده
1.3هزار عکس
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مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی ـ قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد آموزشی و پرورشی ۴۵ متری عمار یاسر کوچه ۵ بعد از امامزاده زید(ع) تلفن: +982537704544 همراه: +989366969796 www.saviorschools.com Instagram: savior_international Contact Admin: @saviorschool
مشاهده در ایتا
Assalamu Alaykum For present and new students who were not able to reserve interview for the new academic year (2022-2023) for any reason are now advised to do so as soon as possible. Interviews are opened for both brothers and sisters branch, and for both present and new students from Saturday 30th of July to Wednesday 3rd of August. Parents/Guardians may reserve interview slots by following the steps announced previously in the official school channels, or by visiting https://saviorschools.com/apply.php Please note that some classes are about to reach capacity, and we urge all parents/guardians to be swift with regard to their child/children's admissions. Additionally, it is highly unlikely that we may further extend the time for interview reservations. The next opportunity for interview reservation is until September, on the condition that the classes are not full. Thank you for your attention. For more information please contact Admissions through the following numbers: +989058384002 +982537704544
For more information on the students' transportation service, such as, registration of service, contact number of the driver, time for picking up dropping off of the students, and all other related affairs, please call the following contact numbers: Iman Safar Company (Transportation company): 02537788060 Iman Safar,s representative: 09196526112 برای اطلاع از نحوه ی ثبت نام برای سرویس دانش آموزی، شماره ی راننده، ساعت سوار شدن دانش آموزان از منزل و یا از مدرسه با شماره های زیر تماس بگیرید: شرکت ایمن سفر:۰۲۵۳۷۷۸۸۰۶۰ نماینده شرکت :۰۹۱۹۶۵۲۶۱۱۲
Parents/Guardians who applied for transportation service for their children after 23rd of October 2022, are informed that their application will be processed within a period of ten (10) working days from the date of registration به اطلاع دانش آموزانی که بعد از ۱/۰۷/۱۴۰۱ برای ثبت نام سرویس دانش آموزی اقدام کرده اند می رساند، درخواست انها ظرف ۱۰ روز کاری از زمان ثبت نام انجام خواهد شد.
"Javanehaye Enghelab" Futsal competition Final match 📆 Tomorrow, Monday, 26 Feb 2023 🕙 10:00 am All members of savior community are invited to watch the match as spectators (both parents are allowed to attend) Address: Shahid Akbari Sport Complex, Alley 9, Somayeh Blvd فینال جام جوانه های انقلاب مسابقات فوتسال مدارس غیر ایرانی قم 📆 فردا، دوشنبه، ۸ اسفند ۱۴۰۱ 🕙 ساعت ۱۰ صبح از تمامی علاقه‌مندان برای تماشای بازی دعوت به عمل می‌آید (حضور تمامی اعضای خانواده دانش آموزان در سالن ورزشی مجاز است) آدرس: بلوار سمیه، کوچه ۹، مجموعه ورزشی شهید اکبری
حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
On the occasion of Hazrat Fatima Zahra's birthday, peace be upon her, and Mother's Day, a Salawati station was held by the students in front of the school. به مناسبت میلاد حضرت فاطمه زهرا سلام الله علیها و روز مادر هیئت نوجوانان یاوران منجی و دانش‌آموزان مدرسه یک ایستاده صلواتی در جلوی مدرسه برگزار کردند.
🔈🔉🔊 « In the name of Allah » The successful operation of Islamic soldiers in defense of the oppressed people of Gaza and in response to the aggression of the Zionist regime against the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran have become a source of pride, dignity, and satisfaction for Muslims around the world. Undoubtedly, all the free people of the world, alongside the Iranian nation, appreciate this decisive and prideful operation and will always stand by the Islamic fighters and soldiers until the defeat of the arrogant and the destruction of oppression and tyranny. Savior International Schools expresses gratitude and appreciation to all these brave men and seeks from the Almighty the reappearance of our Beloved Imam (a). Apr.16.2024