Hope everything is fine with you🤲🌺
Many of the sts voted to hold the #Sports_Day at school, therefore we made a slight change in the plans as you see here. But please follow every single step of the plan so everything goes smooth and simple with as less as possible issues InshaAllah 🤲🌻
In order to participate in the "#Sports_Day" event, kindly complete the registration process by Tuesday Feb 23, 2021 (this is your last chance so DON'T MISS IT)(up untill 15:00) as follows:
1. Field trip fee: 35000 tomans.
( the costs are accurately calculated and defined by the finance department and we tried our best to decrease the costs as much as possible and it is much lower than the previous fee😉)
2. Credit Card number:
موسسه ترجمان کلام نور
3. Send the receipt named #Sports_Day_Pay with your name and last name to the Educational Department's (#Girls_Shift) Eitta or Soroush account:
4. Consent form filled out carefully and completely and e-signed by parents/guardian.
5. Send the consent form to the same account mentioned👆👆👆
6. Please let us know (again through the same account) if you'd like to have photos.
✅Yes, please!
❌No, thanks!
❗️❗️❗️(Photo prices are presented in the table below 👇👇👇)
❗️❗️❗️If there were any info ( either the incompleted consent form or the receipt) missing, your registration wouldn't be considered as done.