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Savior International Schools
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مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی ـ قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد آموزشی و پرورشی ۴۵ متری عمار یاسر کوچه ۵ بعد از امامزاده زید(ع) تلفن: +982537704544 همراه: +989366969796 www.saviorschools.com Instagram: savior_international Contact Admin: @saviorschool
مشاهده در ایتا
Salaam In order to participate in the "" event, kindly complete the registration process by Wednesday Feb 17, 2021 (untill 15:00) as follows: 1. Field trip fee: 50000 tomans. ( the costs are accurately calculated and defined by the finance department and we tried our best to decrease the costs as much as possible) 2. Credit Card number: 5022-2919-0003-3042 موسسه ترجمان کلام نور 3. Send the receipt named with your name and last name to the Educational Department's () Eitta or Soroush account: 09021530076 @saviorschools_girls 4. Consent form filled out carefully and completely and e-signed by parents/guardian. 5. Send the consent form to the same account mentioned👆👆👆 6. Please let us know (again through the same account) if you'd like to have photos. PLEASE INITIAL ONE: ✅Yes, please! ❌No, thanks! ❗️❗️❗️(Photo prices are presented in the table below 👇👇👇)
Bismillah Salaam Hope everything is fine with you🤲🌺 Many of the sts voted to hold the at school, therefore we made a slight change in the plans as you see here. But please follow every single step of the plan so everything goes smooth and simple with as less as possible issues InshaAllah 🤲🌻 In order to participate in the "" event, kindly complete the registration process by Tuesday Feb 23, 2021 (this is your last chance so DON'T MISS IT)(up untill 15:00) as follows: 1. Field trip fee: 35000 tomans. ( the costs are accurately calculated and defined by the finance department and we tried our best to decrease the costs as much as possible and it is much lower than the previous fee😉) 2. Credit Card number: 5022-2919-0003-3042 موسسه ترجمان کلام نور 3. Send the receipt named with your name and last name to the Educational Department's () Eitta or Soroush account: 09021530076 @saviorschools_girls 4. Consent form filled out carefully and completely and e-signed by parents/guardian. 5. Send the consent form to the same account mentioned👆👆👆 6. Please let us know (again through the same account) if you'd like to have photos. PLEASE INITIAL ONE: ✅Yes, please! ❌No, thanks! ❗️❗️❗️(Photo prices are presented in the table below 👇👇👇) ❗️❗️❗️If there were any info ( either the incompleted consent form or the receipt) missing, your registration wouldn't be considered as done.
والدین گرامی که تاکنون موفق به ثبت نام فرزندشان در مدرسه بین المللی منجی نشده اند، ھم اکنون می توانند با مراجعه به سایت www.saviorschools.com ثبت نام خود را انجام داده و نوبت مصاحبه خود را تعیین کنند. آخرین مهلت ثبت نام در مدرسه بین المللی منجی از 14 شھریور ماه لغایت 18 شھریور ماه می باشد. مجتمع آموزشی بین المللی منجی_ ستاد پذیرش Respected parents who have not registered their students in the Savior International School yet, can visit the website www.saviorschools.com to register their students and reserve interview appointment. The last opportunities for registration at Savior international Schools will be on September 5th to 9th. Savior International Schools-Admission
For present and new students who were not able to reserve interview for the new academic year (2022-2023) for any reason are now advised to do so as soon as possible. Interviews are opened for both brothers and sisters branch, and for both present and new students from Saturday 3rd of September to Wednesday 7th of September. Parents may reserve interview slots by following the steps announced previously in the official school channels, or by visiting https://saviorschools.com/apply.php Please note that some classes are about to reach capacity, and we urge all parents to be swift with regard to their child/children's admissions. ❗️❗️Please take into consideration, this is the last opportunity for interview reservation.
والدین گرامی که تاکنون موفق به ثبت نام فرزندشان در مدرسه بین المللی منجی نشده اند، ھم اکنون می توانند با مراجعه به سایت www.admissions.saviorschools.com  ثبت نام خود را انجام داده و نوبت مصاحبه را برای روزهای شنبه (۴شهریور) ، دوشنبه (۶ شهریور) و چهارشنبه (۸ شهریور) تعیین کنند. مدرسه بین المللی منجی-پذیرش Respected parents who have not registered their students in the Savior International School yet, can visit the website www.admissions.saviorschools.com to register their students and reserve interview appointment for Saturday (August 26), Monday (August 28) and Wednesday (August 30 ).  Savior International Schools-Admission
والدین گرامی که تاکنون موفق به ثبت نام فرزندشان در مدرسه بین المللی منجی نشده اند، ھم اکنون می توانند با مراجعه به سایت www.admissions.saviorschools.com  ثبت نام خود را انجام داده و نوبت مصاحبه را برای روزهای یکشنبه (۱۲ شهریور) ، دوشنبه ( ۱۳ شهریور) تعیین کنند. مدرسه بین المللی منجی-پذیرش Respected parents who have not registered their students in the Savior International School yet, can visit the website www.admissions.saviorschools.com to register their students and reserve interview appointment for Sunday (September 3) and Monday (September 4 ).   Savior International Schools-Admission
For present and new students who were not able to reserve interview for the new academic year (2023-2024) for any reason are now advised to do so as soon as possible. Interviews are opened for both brothers and sisters branch, and for both present and new students from Saturday 9th September to Wednesday 13th September. Parents may reserve interview slots by visiting https://admissions.saviorschools.com Please note that some classes are about to reach capacity, and we urge all parents to be swift with regard to their child/children's admissions. ❗️❗️Please take into consideration, this is the last opportunity for interview reservation.
Registration for Boys School Respected parents who have not registered their students in the Savior International School yet, can visit the website www.admissions.saviorschools.com to register their students and reserve interview appointments from Wednesday, Sept 27 to Wednesday, Oct 4 (working days). ثبت نام مدرسه پسرانه والدین گرامی که تاکنون موفق به ثبت نام فرزندشان در مدرسه بین المللی منجی نشده اند، ھم اکنون می توانند با مراجعه به سایت www.admissions.saviorschools.com ثبت نام خود را انجام داده و نوبت مصاحبه را برای روزهای چهارشنبه (5 مهر) لغایت ( 12 مهر) تعیین کنند (در روزهای کاری).
Registration for Boys School Respected parents who have not registered their students in the Savior International School yet, can visit the website www.admissions.saviorschools.com to register their students and reserve interview appointments from Sunday, Oct 8 to Tuesday, Oct 10. ثبت نام مدرسه پسرانه والدین گرامی که تاکنون موفق به ثبت نام فرزندشان در مدرسه بین المللی منجی نشده اند، ھم اکنون می توانند با مراجعه به سایت www.admissions.saviorschools.com ثبت نام خود را انجام داده و نوبت مصاحبه را برای روزهای یکشنبه (16 مهر) لغایت سه شنبه ( 18 مهر) تعیین کنند.
Registration for Girls School Respected parents who have not registered their students in the Savior International School yet, can visit the website www.admissions.saviorschools.com to register their students and reserve interview appointments from Sunday, Oct 8 to Tuesday, Oct 10. ثبت نام مدرسه دخترانه والدین گرامی که تاکنون موفق به ثبت نام فرزندشان در مدرسه بین المللی منجی نشده اند، ھم اکنون می توانند با مراجعه به سایت www.admissions.saviorschools.com ثبت نام خود را انجام داده و نوبت مصاحبه را برای روزهای یکشنبه (16 مهر) لغایت سه شنبه ( 18 مهر) تعیین کنند.
Salam alaikum Dear respected parents; 🍃Considering the limited capacity of accepting students in preschool for the academic year 2024-2025 and" Second time" of reserving interview time and registration , you can go to the Savior International Complex website at the following address to schedule an interview and complete the registration of your child: ↪️Https://portal.saviorschools.com/login ✅ Pre-registration: May 24-26, 2024 ✅ Interview and completion of registration:27 - 29 May 2024