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Savior International Schools(Taha)
1.3هزار دنبال‌کننده
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مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی(شعبه طاها) قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد تربیتی خیابان طالقانی(آذر) کوچه ۷۵ مدرسه منجی شعبه پسرانه طاها آموزش: 09058384004 پذیرش: 09058384005 www.saviorschools.com Contact Admin: @saviorschools2
مشاهده در ایتا
.s. Happy blessed month of . اللهم بارک لنا فی رجب و شعبان و بلغنا رمضان 🌺🤲🌺🤲🌺🤲🌺🤲🌺🤲🌺🤲🌺 The held today for the middle and high graders in on the occasion of Imam Baqir's birthday and start of . May Allah almighty grant us all blessings of the 3 months of Rajab, Sha'ban and Ramadhan al Mobarak.
.s. The sacred shrine of Imams of Samerra a.s. being dusted and purified by the General of hearts Shahid Sulaymani. Condolences to Imam Mahdi a.s for the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hadi a.s. 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
12.32M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
پخش کلیپی به مناسبت سالروز شهادت امام هادی علیه‌السلام در خلال کلاس ها. امروز دوشنبه 27بهمن 99 Showing a short video in commemoration of Martyrdom of Imam Hadi (a.s), during classes. Today Monday February 15, 2021.
Salaam In order to participate in the "" event, kindly complete the registration process by Wednesday Feb 17, 2021 (untill 15:00) as follows: 1. Field trip fee: 50000 tomans. ( the costs are accurately calculated and defined by the finance department and we tried our best to decrease the costs as much as possible) 2. Credit Card number: 5022-2919-0003-3042 موسسه ترجمان کلام نور 3. Send the receipt named with your name and last name to the Educational Department's () Eitta or Soroush account: 09021530076 @saviorschools_girls 4. Consent form filled out carefully and completely and e-signed by parents/guardian. 5. Send the consent form to the same account mentioned👆👆👆 6. Please let us know (again through the same account) if you'd like to have photos. PLEASE INITIAL ONE: ✅Yes, please! ❌No, thanks! ❗️❗️❗️(Photo prices are presented in the table below 👇👇👇)
# روز_ورزش ۸_۱۲ سلام برای شرکت در رویداد ورزش، لطفا فرایند ثبت نام را تا ساعت ۱۵ روز چهار شنبه ۲۹ بهمن ماه تکمیل بفرمایید: ۱. واریز مبلغ ۵۰۰۰۰ تومان ۲. شماره کارت: ۵۰۲۲- ۲۹۱۹- ۰۰۰۳- ۳۰۴۲ موسسه ترجمان کلام نور ۳. ارسال رسید واریز پول با عنوان # پرداخت_روز_ورزش به حساب کاربری ایتا یا سروش شماره آموزش : 09021530076 @Saviorschools_girls ۴. بادقت تمام لطفا فرم رضایت نامه را کامل پر بفرمایید و به صورت مجازی امضا کنید. ۵.ارسال رضایت نامه به همان حساب کاربری در ایتا و سروش. ۶. لطفا نظر خود را برای عکاسی با انتخاب یکی از گزینه های زیر اعلام بفرمایید. ✅بله، لطفا! ❌ نه، ممنون! قیمت عکاسی در تصویر پیش رو ارائه شده است. ۸_۱۲
Grade 8_12 instructions for the 🔹🔷Sports Day🔷🔹 🔸Dear all parents and participants you may need to know that we will have a photographer, so taking care of your hijab is very important and you may also need to know that nobody other than the photographer is allowed to take photos or videos. 🔸Dress code: ◽️According to the rules determined by the جامعه الزهرا gym management we all either students or mothers should kindly wear "chador" ( چادر) ▫️Last year Saviour's t-shirts or any t-shirt or loose and comfortable manto (red/maroon/black) (long sleeves & above your knees) ▫️Black tights or jeans ▫️Professional hijabi sport style ( head cover/ مقنعه/ زیرشالی) * Shalls or scarves may cause you troubles. * You may take them with you and change them in the park. 🔸Don't forget to wear proper shoes 🔸Please have your breakfast at home. 🔸Thursday 18: is arranged to put students in their groups and practice at school. You may bring a snack with yourselves please. 🔸Thursday 25: we will have the final competitions. 🔸In case of attending as viewers, you DO NOT NEED TO PAY, but please let the Cultural VP know, because we've got restrictions of space due to Covid and please take snacks with yourselves. 🔸Have your bottles of water and masks with you. 🔸Mobiles are allowed 🔸Locations 1⃣ Thursday February 18, 2021 9:00 - 12:30 AT SCHOOL 2⃣ Thursday February 25, 2021 8:30 - 12:30 GYM: جامعه الزهرا
👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 فرم رضایت نامه کتبی جهت شرکت در رویداد "روز ورزش"
🤲الهی اترانی ما اتیتک الا من حیث الامال 🤲 Today's Assembly with the primary kids, was held in regards of the blessings of the month of Rajab. Students understood that and they should try to make their wishes to come true. So one way is to pray and ask for it from Almighty Allah, and a time to pray for our wishes is on () They wished and prayed for their health and wealth🍎 They also wished for Imam Zaman's a.s. reappearance 💫 Star light, Star bright✨ First star I see tonight Wish I may, wish I might Have this wish I wish tonight اللهم صلی علی محمّد و آل محمّد و عجّل فرجهم 🌺