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اینجا مهارت های زبان تو تقویت کن🤩 هشتگ ها"🧡↶ https://eitaa.com/English_4U/14914 ارتباط با مدیر"❤️↶ @daddymustafa تبادل و تبلیغ"💛↶ @allears گروه چت"💙↶ https://eitaa.com/joinchat/3765043281C1f70b55b1b
مشاهده در ایتا
اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ Guide us on the straight path.🌱 تو ما را به راه راست هدایت فرما. 🆔 @English_4u
💠 امام حسين عليه السلام: 🔹اعْجَزُ النّاسِ مَنْ عَجَزَ عَنِ الدُّعاءِ، وَاَبْخَلُ النّاسِ مَنْ بَخِلَ بالسَّلامِ 🔻 ناتوان ترين مردم كسى است كه از دعا عاجز باشد و بخيل ترين مردم كسى است كه درسلام بُخل ورزد 📚 بحارالانوار جلد ۹۳ صفحه ۲۹۴ 🖤🖤🖤🖤 Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, said: "The powerless of the people who are powerless to supplicate, and the miserly of the people who are stingy with peace The weakest people are those who are unable to pray, and the most stingy people are those who are stingy in greetings."[1] [1] Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, p. 294 ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
هدایت شده از English 4U
آقایون، خانوما امشب داستان نداریم، ولی ی چیز دیگه آماده کردم عوضش...🦌
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ أَنْتُمُ الْفُقَرَاءُ إِلَى اللَّهِ ۖ وَاللَّهُ هُوَ الْغَنِيُّ الْحَمِيدُ O mankind! You are the ones who stand in need of Allah, and Allah—He is the All-sufficient, the All-laudable.🪴 اى مردم، همه شما به خدا نيازمنديد. اوست بى‌نياز و ستودنى. _Mankind: بشر/انسان _Sufficient: کافی/مستقل _Laudable: ستودنی 🆔 @English_4u
هدایت شده از English 4U
سلام دوست عزیز 🏃‍♂️معطلش نکن ، تو هم میتونی زبان انگلیسیتو مجانی تمرین کنی. فقط کافی بزنی روی لینک و عضوی از این کانال بشی. فرصت را از دست نده https://eitaa.com/joinchat/3739746385Cc701b191b0 چرا نمیای داخل گروه چت با دوستها ت انگلیسی مکالمه کنی ..... بزن روی لینک گروه https://eitaa.com/joinchat/3765043281C1f70b55b1b کانال و گروه انگلیش فور یو محیطی مناسب برای کلیه علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان انگلیسی🌷 برای تمام سطوح از مبتدی تا پیشرفته محتوا ارائه میشه. هر چهار مهارت یادگیری زبان دنبال میشه. 🌸 به دوست عزیزت هم بگو سریع خودش را بما برسونه😁
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
Exclusive: Daughter of assassinated Iran nuclear scientist hopes to follow dad’s footsteps ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
There's a man. He's watching us from those trees! I know it!' We looked and looked at the trees. There wasn't a man there now. But I was afraid. What did I see? Was it Paxton's shadow? Perhaps his story wasn't wrong... I didn't like this. 'Let's be quick,' Paxton said. "The shadow knows about us. He's watching us.' We arrived at the hill. Paxton didn't wait. He started to work with the spade. Long and I only watched. 'Can I help now?' I said to Paxton, but he didn't stop. 'This is my job,' he said. Then he said to us, 'Give it to me.' We put the bag on the ground near him, but we didn't open it. Paxton did that. I looked at the crown for the last time in Paxton's hands. He finished the job quickly. 'Is it in the ground?' I asked him. 'Yes.' I smiled, but Paxton didn't smile. To be continued...🌀 📚 @English_4u 📚
أَلَيْسَ اللَّهُ بِكَافٍ عَبْدَهُ ۖ Is not Allah sufficient for His servant? 🕊 آیا خدا برای بنده اش [در همه امور] کافی نیست؟ _Sufficient : کافی/بسنده _Servant : بنده 🆔 @English_4u
'Let's go back to the hotel,' Long said. 'It's very late and our beds are waiting for us!' We started to walk down the hill. Suddenly, Long said, 'Remember your coat, Paxton! It's up on the hill.' I looked up the hill behind us. Long was right. Paxton's long, dark coat was there on the ground. But our new friend didn't move. 'What's wrong, Paxton?' I asked. His face was white. His mouth moved, but he didn't talk. 'Are you OK?' Long asked. 'I ... I didn't bring my coat,' Paxton said. 'It's in my hotel room.' The dark thing on the hill wasn't his coat! But what was it? I looked again. It wasn't there now! We went down the hill very quickly. We didn't talk. We only listened to the noise of the sea. Sometimes, I looked behind us. Was that a shadow behind the trees? Did a shadow move in the church garden? Was there a dark shadow behind the gravestones? To be continued...🌀 📚 @English_4u 📚
I was glancing at the channel. Look what I found! Now he is married, they have to believe it.🦥
ببینید چه برایتان آورده‌ام! Glance یعنی نگاه گذرا و سریع، یا به عبارتی quick look. اما ی واژه ام هست glimpse! اینم به معنای نگاه گذراست. ⁉️ولی فرقشون چیه؟ شما جواب رو تو ناشناس بهمون بگید. ؛) https://daigo.ir/pm/qiGgJN
I didn't know, and I didn't want to know. I wanted to be in my bed. No, I wanted to be far away from this cold, dark place. I wanted to be at home. We arrived at the hotel at twelve o'clock. A hotel worker opened the door for us. He looked at the three of us. 'It's a cold night,' he said. I was afraid, but I smiled. 'Yes, it is.' The hotel worker looked up the road behind us. 'Did you meet any people on the road?' he asked. 'No,' Paxton said. 'We were the only people in Seaburgh.' 'But there was a man behind you...' the hotel worker said. Paxton looked back into the night with big eyes. The shadow wasn't there now. The three of us went to our room. Paxton went to the window. 'It's OK now,' I said to him. 'The crown is in its place again. You're not in danger now.' Paxton's eyes stayed on the night. 'Perhaps,' he said. He went to the door. He said, "Thank you' to Long and me, and then he went to his room. 'Good night,' I said. 'Sleep well.' To be continued...🌀 danger/(n) Those long knives are a danger to children! 📚 @English_4u 📚
✒️what is intangible asset 🖌دارایی غیر مادی چیست ؟ 🔸Why you are the richest people in the world ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
فکر میکنم glance نگاه مختصر و سریعی باشه که با قصد بررسی میندازیم ولی glimpse نگاه مختصری و سریعی باشه بدون قصد بررسی یعنی اتفاقی نگاهمون بیوفته.. _____ بله دقیقا!👌🏻 یعنی من داشتم ی نگاهِ سریع به پستای قدیمی کانال با قصد قبلی می‌کردم! خیلی ممنون از پاسخگویی. :) درباره این کلمات ان‌شاءالله در آینده ی صحبتی می‌کنیم.(به شرط یاری حافظه!)🤳 @English_4u
همین‌قدر keen برای گفتن جواب، که ساعت ۵ونیم اومدم...🛌 نمی‌دونید keen یعنی چی؟ یعنی از بچه های گروه نیستید؟⚠️ یعنی از کلمات ۵۰۴ جا موندید؟ حالا در گوشی می‌گم معنی‌شو، ولی اگه می‌خواید کلمات بیشتری رو بدونید، به بیو کانال مراجعه کرده، لینک گروه رو لمس بنمایید! Keen : مشتاق ♨️ به معنی "تیز" هم هست البته! 🏴 @English_4u
الله الله الله که دل هیچ‌کس را نرنجانید!💔 /بخشی از وصیت‌نامه آیت‌الله سید علی قاضی/ @English_4U
☝️ what's gotten into you? چته؟ شده؟ های این : ✅ What's wrong with you? ✅ What's the matter with you? ✅ What's happened to you? ✅ What's up with you? ✅ What's the with you? _-_-_-_-_ 💆‍♂ @English_4U 💆‍♀