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مشاهده در ایتا
أَلَيْسَ اللَّهُ بِكَافٍ عَبْدَهُ ۖ Is not Allah sufficient for His servant? 🕊 آیا خدا برای بنده اش [در همه امور] کافی نیست؟ _Sufficient : کافی/بسنده _Servant : بنده 🆔 @English_4u
'Let's go back to the hotel,' Long said. 'It's very late and our beds are waiting for us!' We started to walk down the hill. Suddenly, Long said, 'Remember your coat, Paxton! It's up on the hill.' I looked up the hill behind us. Long was right. Paxton's long, dark coat was there on the ground. But our new friend didn't move. 'What's wrong, Paxton?' I asked. His face was white. His mouth moved, but he didn't talk. 'Are you OK?' Long asked. 'I ... I didn't bring my coat,' Paxton said. 'It's in my hotel room.' The dark thing on the hill wasn't his coat! But what was it? I looked again. It wasn't there now! We went down the hill very quickly. We didn't talk. We only listened to the noise of the sea. Sometimes, I looked behind us. Was that a shadow behind the trees? Did a shadow move in the church garden? Was there a dark shadow behind the gravestones? To be continued...🌀 📚 @English_4u 📚
I was glancing at the channel. Look what I found! Now he is married, they have to believe it.🦥
ببینید چه برایتان آورده‌ام! Glance یعنی نگاه گذرا و سریع، یا به عبارتی quick look. اما ی واژه ام هست glimpse! اینم به معنای نگاه گذراست. ⁉️ولی فرقشون چیه؟ شما جواب رو تو ناشناس بهمون بگید. ؛) https://daigo.ir/pm/qiGgJN
I didn't know, and I didn't want to know. I wanted to be in my bed. No, I wanted to be far away from this cold, dark place. I wanted to be at home. We arrived at the hotel at twelve o'clock. A hotel worker opened the door for us. He looked at the three of us. 'It's a cold night,' he said. I was afraid, but I smiled. 'Yes, it is.' The hotel worker looked up the road behind us. 'Did you meet any people on the road?' he asked. 'No,' Paxton said. 'We were the only people in Seaburgh.' 'But there was a man behind you...' the hotel worker said. Paxton looked back into the night with big eyes. The shadow wasn't there now. The three of us went to our room. Paxton went to the window. 'It's OK now,' I said to him. 'The crown is in its place again. You're not in danger now.' Paxton's eyes stayed on the night. 'Perhaps,' he said. He went to the door. He said, "Thank you' to Long and me, and then he went to his room. 'Good night,' I said. 'Sleep well.' To be continued...🌀 danger/(n) Those long knives are a danger to children! 📚 @English_4u 📚
✒️what is intangible asset 🖌دارایی غیر مادی چیست ؟ 🔸Why you are the richest people in the world ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
فکر میکنم glance نگاه مختصر و سریعی باشه که با قصد بررسی میندازیم ولی glimpse نگاه مختصری و سریعی باشه بدون قصد بررسی یعنی اتفاقی نگاهمون بیوفته.. _____ بله دقیقا!👌🏻 یعنی من داشتم ی نگاهِ سریع به پستای قدیمی کانال با قصد قبلی می‌کردم! خیلی ممنون از پاسخگویی. :) درباره این کلمات ان‌شاءالله در آینده ی صحبتی می‌کنیم.(به شرط یاری حافظه!)🤳 @English_4u
همین‌قدر keen برای گفتن جواب، که ساعت ۵ونیم اومدم...🛌 نمی‌دونید keen یعنی چی؟ یعنی از بچه های گروه نیستید؟⚠️ یعنی از کلمات ۵۰۴ جا موندید؟ حالا در گوشی می‌گم معنی‌شو، ولی اگه می‌خواید کلمات بیشتری رو بدونید، به بیو کانال مراجعه کرده، لینک گروه رو لمس بنمایید! Keen : مشتاق ♨️ به معنی "تیز" هم هست البته! 🏴 @English_4u
الله الله الله که دل هیچ‌کس را نرنجانید!💔 /بخشی از وصیت‌نامه آیت‌الله سید علی قاضی/ @English_4U
☝️ what's gotten into you? چته؟ شده؟ های این : ✅ What's wrong with you? ✅ What's the matter with you? ✅ What's happened to you? ✅ What's up with you? ✅ What's the with you? _-_-_-_-_ 💆‍♂ @English_4U 💆‍♀
👉🏼 🖤 ANIMALS Idioms 1️⃣ Cat nap A short sleep 2️⃣ Flew the coop Escape, left 3️⃣ Get someone’s goat To irritate someone deeply 4️⃣ Fat cat A highly placed, well-paid executive 5️⃣ Like a fish out ot water To be uncomfortable in a particular situation 6️⃣ Hold your horses Wait and be patient 7️⃣ Cash cow A good way to make money
| Common mistakes with unnecessary prepositions 1⃣ 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Answer (= reply to). ❌Don't say: Please answer to my question. ✅Say: Please answer my question. 💠💠💠💠💠 Approach (= come near to). ❌Don't say: Don't approach to that house. ✅Say: Don't approach that house. 💠💠💠💠💠 Ask (= put a question to). ❌Don't say: I asked to the teacher about it. ✅Say: I asked the teacher about it. 💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠 🆔@English_4U🆔
@English_4U Phrasal verbs that you should know: 1. Call off = cancel 2. Turn down = reject 3. Bring up = mention 4. Come up= arise/ produce 5. Hand over = relinquish / give a chance 6. Take over= take control /responsibility 7. Take up= require 8. Get on= continue / have a good relationship 9. Talk over = discuss / interrupt 10. Use up = exhaust / use completely 11. Look forward to = await 12. Go on = continue 13. Catch up = discuss latest news 14. Fill in = complete 15. Hand in = submit 16. Look up= find/search 17. Look into = check/ investigate 18. Figure out = understand / solve 19. Go over = review 20. Show up = arrive 21. Ring up= call 22. Go back = return to a place 23. Pick out= choose 24. chip in = help 25. Break in on = interrupt 26. Come apart = separate 27. Go ahead = start / proceed 28. Cut in = interrupt 29. Own up= confess 30. Figure out = discover 31. Get back = return 32. Get away = escape 33. Work out= exercise 34. Hang in = stay positive 35. Put down = insult 36. Pass out = faint 37. Leave out = omit/ skip 38. Show off = boast / brag 39. Peter out = finish / come to an end gradually 40. Lay off= dismiss 41. Take on = employ( someone) 42. Cross out = delete / cancel / erase 43. Sort out = solve 44. Make out = understand / hear 45. Abide by = follow ( a rule / decision / instruction) 46. Pile up = accumulate 47. Pig put = eat a lot 48. Pick up = collect 49. mix up = confuse 50. Make of = understand / have an opinion 51. Opt for = choose 52. Pass back = return 53. Patch up = fix/ make things better 54. Plump for = choose 55. Polish off = finish / consume 56. Decide upon = choose / select 57. Die down = decrease 58. Get along = leave 59. Hook up = meet ( someone) 60. Jack up= increase sharply 61. Kick about = discuss 62. Talk about = discuss 63. Kick out = expel 64. Lay on = organise/ supply 65. Link up = connect /join 66. Make after = chase 67. Make away with = steal 68. Big up = exaggerate the importance 69. Blow up = explode 70. Book in = check in at a hotel 71. Call up= telephone 72. Cap off = finish / complete 73. Care for = like 74. carry off = win/succeed 75. Carry on = continue 76. Add on = include 77. Ask over = invite 78. Back away = retreat / go backwards 79. Back off = retreat 80. Bag out = criticize 81. Bull up = confuse / complicate 82. Bear on = influence / affect 83. Give up = quit / stop trying 84. Keep on = continue 85. Put off = postpone 86. Turn up = appear suddenly 87. Take after = resemble 88. Bring up = raise (children) 89. Fill out = complete a form 90. Drop out of = leave school 91. Do over = repeat a job / task 92. Fill up = fill to capacity 93. Look over = examine / check 94. Put away = save / store 95. Put out = extinguish 96. Set up = arrange/ begin 97. Throw away = discard 98. Cut down on= curtail ( expenses) 99. Try out = test 100. Turn off = repulse 101. Call on = visit 102. Go through = use up/ consume 103. Check up on = examine / investigate 104. wait on = serve 105. get rid of = eliminate/ eradicate/ erase 106. Get through with = finish 107. Look down on = despise 108. Look up to = respect & admire 109. Make sure of = verify 110. Put up with = tolerate 111. Run out of= exhaust supply 112. Think back on = recall/ remember 113. Walk out on = abandon 114. Get by= survive 115. Get up = arise 116. Grow up = get older 117. Walk up = arouse from sleep 118. Back up = support 119. Make up for = compensate
| Common mistakes with unnecessary prepositions 3⃣ 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Attack (= go and fight against). ❌Don't say: They attacked against the enemy. ✅Say: They attacked the enemy. 💠💠💠💠💠 Comprise (= consist of). ❌Don't say: The book comprises of five chapters. ✅Say: The book comprises five chapters. Or: ✅The book is comprised of five chapters. 💠💠💠💠💠 Allow (to) or let (= give permission to). ❌Don't say: The driver allowed/let to John (to) sit in the front seat. ✅Say: The driver allowed/let John (to) sit in the front seat. 💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠 🆔@English_4U 🆔
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
🖤He stayed beside Imam Hussain ever since they left Medina and was loved by all the members of the Imam's family. He was so devoted to Imam Hussain, that when Shimr lbne Ziljoshan, the second-in-command of Yezid's army came towards Imam Hussain's camp and called out: "Where are my nephews, Abbas, Abdullah Jafar and Usman ?" Hazrat Abbas refused to reply. It was only after Imam Hussain told him "Answer him, because, despite the fact that he is corrupt he is also one of your relatives" that Hazrat Abbas asked Shimr what he wanted. Shimr replied: "0, my nephews, I have specially asked Obaidullah Ibne Ziad for the safety of you all. So why do you wish to kill yourselves with Hussain? Why do you not join the forces of the mighty Yezid?" Hazrat Abbas looked at him with contempt and retorted, "May God's wrath fall upon you and upon your proposition, 0, enemy of God! How dare you counsel us to desert our master, Imam Hussain and tie ourselves up with the corrupt and misguided Yezid?" Shimr turned round and went away angrily.
سلام، امشب پارت نداریم.🙏🏻 برای همدیگه دعا کنیم.🖤
▶️Ashura was not simply a historical event. It is a culture, a continuous flow, and an example for the Islamic nation that lasts forever. صرفآ حادثه تاریخی فرهنگ جریان مستمر # example سرمشق امت اسلام forever جاودانه است ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
▶️It has been reported that when Imam Sajjad (pbuh) returned to Medina after the events of Ashura, someone went to him and said, “O son of the Prophet! Did you see what happened because of your going?!” Imam Sajjad (pbuh) replied, “Think about what would have happened if we had not gone.” Yes, if they had not gone, the bodies would have survived but the truth would have been destroyed, the human spirit would have been lost, people’s consciences would have been trampled underfoot, logic and wisdom would have been blamed throughout history, and not even the name of Islam would have remained. نقل شده بازگشت حادثه #O son of the Prophet یابن‌رسول‌اللَّه happened چی شد جسمها زنده می ماند حقیقت نابود میشد spirit روح انسان فنا شده وجدان پایمال شد زیر پا # logic and wisdom منطق و خرد محکوم شدن history در طول تاریخ باقی ماند ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
وَاصْبِرْ لِحُكْمِ رَبِّكَ فَإِنَّكَ بِأَعْيُنِنَا ۖ And wait patiently for the judgment of your Lord, for surely you are before Our eyes. 🌱 و در برابر حکم پروردگارت شکیبایی کن که تو زیر نظر و مراقبت ما هستی. _طور۴۸ _Judgment : حکم/داوری _Patiently : صبورانه _Being before someone's eyes : جلوی چشم کسی بودن 🏴 @English_4u
23.54M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
یا سید الاحرار You don’t expect تو چشم داشتی از ما نداری You give abundantly بی حد و عدد عطا میکنی If I reject و اگر عطایت را رد کنیم You will still care for me باز مراقبمان هستی When I neglect وقتی نادید میگیریم You still reach out to me تو به سراغمان باز می آیی Son of Ali. ای پسر علی… When I forget وقتی من از یاد میبرم Please do not forget me مرا لطفا از یاد مبر I am in debt To your whole family من زیر دین تمام خانواده ات هستم My one regret Not serving sincerely تنها حسرتم این هست که خالصانه خدمت نکرده ام Son of Ali. ای پسر علی Let me remain Amongst all of your friends بگذار در حلقه ی دوستانت بمانم You are the same Love that makes me ascend تو همان عشقی هستی که مرا بالا برده ای Bring me again To your shrine till my end مرا باز به به حرمت ببر برای همیشه Son of Ali. ای پسر علی… Just like the rain Pour down on this burnt seed مثل باران بر این بذر سوخته ببار All of my pain You can remove indeed تمام دردهایم را تو میتوانی شفا دهی Master Husain You’re needless, I’m in need. آقا جان مولا جان تو بی نیازی و‌من نیازمند… Son of Ali. Son of Ali You’re my one and only. فقط تو تنها کسم هستی Son of Ali How come you still love me? مانده ام که هنوز چرا عاشقانه دوستم داری؟ Son of Ali You are Divine mercy! تو رحمت الهی هستی… Son of Ali.