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مشاهده در ایتا
☘️One is never too old to learn 🌸برای آموختن هیچوقت دیر نیست @English_4U
🪴🪴 🪴 When the giant went away for seven years, the children played in his garden every afternoon on the way back from school. It was a large and lovely garden. Beautiful flowers grew in the grass, and there were twelve fruit trees. In the spring, the fruit trees were covered with red and white flowers, and later in the year wonderful fruit grew on them. The birds sang sweetly in the trees. Sometimes, the children stopped their games and listened to them. "we are so happy here!" they said. Then, one day, the giant came back. He saw the children playing in his garden. "What are you doing here?" he shouted in a very loud voice. The children ran away. "My garden is my garden," said the gaint. "No one can play in it. Only me." So he built a high wall round it and put up a notice: KEEP OUT. He was a very selfish giant. Giant/n/ a very tall, strong man in stories. To be continued...🖊 📜 @English_4U 📜
_فاقدِ ترجمه! 📻 🎙 @English_4U 🎙
فردا شب صوتِ با ترجمه‌ی پارت. ؛)
_دارایِ ترجمه! 🎊 🎙 @English_4U 🎙
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
🔮Idiom 🛑 Over the hill 🔻معادل در فارسی: 👇👇👇 ☑️ سنی ازش گذشته، سنش بالا رفته است، کسی که ۴۰ سال را رد کرده است. 🟢 ترجمه مثال در فیلم : 👨 آخر هفته، تولد ۴۰ سالگی دوستم هست. به عنوان یه هدیه فکر کنم براش یه تی شرت بامزه که روش نوشته "Over the hill" خواهم خرید، که تو فروشگاه دیدمش. 👩 جدی میگی؟ نمیتونم بگم چقدر میتونه بامزه باشه. هیچ کس نمیخواد درباره خودش این فکر رو بکنه که پیر شده. 👨 راست میگی، میدونم. پس به جاش براش یه ماگ (لیوان) میخرم که روش نوشته "زندگی از ۴۰ سالگی آغاز میشه". ✅ Hill 👉  تپه 📝 این اصطلاح بار منفی دارد و نباید در روابط رسمی و حتی دوستانه از آن استفاده گردد. 🆔 @English_4U
🔸In the Arbaeen Walk, each of the participants has his/her solitude with God and a special spiritual experience; But this collective movement and observing all kinds of devotional and spiritual behaviors from others such as reciting prayers, mourning, benevolence, tolerating all kinds of difficulties such as heat and thirst and blisters on the feet deepen spirituality. 🔹در پیاده روی اربعین هر یک از شرکت کنندگان خلوت خود را با خدا و تجربه معنوی خاصی دارند. اما این حرکت جمعی و مشاهده انواع رفتارهای عبادی و معنوی از سوی دیگران مانند خواندن دعا، عزاداری، احسان، تحمل انواع سختی ها مانند گرما و تشنگی و تاول های پا، معنویت را عمیق تر می کند. 📕@English_4U📕
006 - Sotoon Be Sotoon (2).mp3
🔸The Arbaeen Walk offers a model for a desirable human life to the world. In these few days of life, humans give up all their worldly belongings, and instead of harmful rivalries, brotherhood, empathy, and helping each other are valued. People are not in search of accumulating worldly wealth and everyone is trying to gain more spirituality. People love to serve each other, and even compete to help others. In fact, it can be said that the Arbaeen Walk gives people a new identity. 🔹پیاده روی اربعین الگویی برای زندگی مطلوب انسانی را به جهانیان ارائه می کند. انسانها در این چند روز زندگی، تمام تعلقات دنیایی خود را رها می کنند و به جای رقابت های مضر، برادری، همدلی و کمک به یکدیگر ارزش قائل می شوند. مردم به دنبال اندوختن مال دنیوی نیستند و همه برای کسب معنویت بیشتر تلاش می کنند. مردم دوست دارند به یکدیگر خدمت کنند و حتی برای کمک به دیگران رقابت می کنند. در واقع می توان گفت پیاده روی اربعین هویت جدیدی به مردم می دهد. 📒@English_4U📒
🪴🪴 🪴 So the children had nowhere to play. They tried to play on the road, but the road was dirty and full of hard stones, and they did not like it. After their lessons, they walked round the giant's high wall and talked about the beautiful garden inside. 'We were so happy there!' they said. The spring came, and there were flowers and little birds all over the country. But in the garden of the selfish giant, it was still winter. The birds did not sing in it because there were no children. The trees forgot to grow flowers. Snow covered the grass, and ice covered the trees with silver. The north wind came, and the rain. 'I cannot understand why the spring is so late,' said the selfish giant. He was sitting the window of his house and looking out at his cold, white garden. 'I hope there will be a change in the weather.' But the spring never came, and the summer did not come. When there was golden fruit in every other garden, there was no fruit in the giant's garden. It was always winter there, with the north wind, and snow, and ice and rain. To be continued...🖊 📜 @English_4U 📜
_فاقدِ ترجمه! 📻 🎙 @English_4U 🎙
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
🔊 What did you hear ? چی شنیدی ؟؟؟ 🤓 جوابتون رو بندازید تو 4UBOX 🙏🪴 اینم لینک👇👇👇 https://daigo.ir/pm/qiGgJN 🆔 @English_4U
┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
_دارایِ ترجمه! 🎊 🎙 @English_4U 🎙
🪴🪴 🪴 The giant was lying in bed one morning when he heard some beautiful music. A little bird was singing outside his window. It was the first birdsong in the garden for a very long time, and it seemed to him the most beautiful music in the world. Then the north wind and the rain stopped. 'I believe that spring has come at last!' said the giant. He jumped out of bed and looked out. His garden was full of children! They were coming in through a hole in the wall and were climbing up into the trees. The giant saw a little child in every tree. The trees were glad to have the children back. They were covered with flowers again. The birds were flying around and singing with happiness, and flowers were looking up through the green grass. A very small boy was standing in the far corner of the garden. He could not reach up to climb his tree. He was walking round it and crying. That tree was still covered with ice and snow. To be continued...🖊 📜 @English_4U 📜
_فاقدِ ترجمه! 📻 🎙 @English_4U 🎙
Endangered Animals حیوانات در معرض خطر 🍄@English_4U🍄
Today, there are some endangered animals on Earth. امروزه تعدادی حیوانات در معرض خطر روی زمین وجود دارد. It means that we can find only a few of them around us. این یعنی اینکه ما می توانیم فقط تعداد کمی از آنها را در اطرافمان پیدا کنیم. Some examples are whales, pandas, tigers and Asian elephants. چند مثال عبارتند از نهنگ ها، پاندا ها، ببر ها و فیل های آسیایی. Humans destroy the natural homes of the animals in the forests, lakes, and plains. انسان ها زیستگاه طبیعی حیوانات را در جنگل ها، دریاچه ها و دشت ها نابود می کنند. When the number of people on Earth increases, they need more places for living. وقتی تعداد انسان ها بر روی زمین افزایش پیدا می کند، آنها به مکان های بیشتری برای زندگی نیاز دارند. They cut down trees and destroy lakes. آنها درختان را قطع می کنند و دریاچه ها را نابود می کنند . They make homes and roads instead. آنها بجای آن خانه و جاده می سازند . Then the animals won’t have a place to live. آن وقت حیوانات جایی برای زندگی نخواهند داشت. They will die out. آنها منقرض خواهند شد. The Iranian cheetah is among these animals. یوز پلنگ ایرانی در میان این حیوانات است. This wild animal lives only in the plains of Iran. این حیوان وحشی فقط در دشت های ایران زندگی می کند. Now there are only a few Iranian cheetahs alive. در حال حاضر فقط تعداد کمی از این یوز پلنگ ها زنده اند. If people take care of them, there is hope for this beautiful animal to live. اگر مردم از آنها مراقبت کنند، این امید وجود دارد که این حیوان زیبا زنده بماند. Recently, families pay more attention to nature, students learn about saving wildlife, and some hunters don’t go hunting anymore. اخیرا خانواده ها به طبیعت بیشتر توجه می کنند، دانش آموزان در مورد نجات حیات وحش آموزش می بینند، و تعدادی از شکارچی ها دیگر به شکار نمی روند . In this way, the number of cheetahs is going to increase in the future. به این ترتیب، تعداد این یوزپلنگ ها در آینده افزایش خواهد یافت. ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛